a furnace for firing or burning or drying such things as porcelain or bricks
A furnace for burning bricks; a brickkiln.
A furnace or oven for drying, baking, or burning. Kilns may be divided into two chief classes: those for direct burning, in which the material is submitted to the action of flame, the fuel and material being mingled together in one furnace; and those for vitrifying, drying, and baking, in which the material is separated from the furnace proper. The lime-kiln represents the first class. It consists of an upright furnace resembling a blast-furnace, the limestone and fuel being fed into the top and the burned lime or quicklime being drawn below. (See lime.) To the second class belong the pottery-kilns, brick-kilns, and porcelain-kilns. The pottery- and porcelain-kilns, which include also terra-cotta, drain-pipe, and other similar kilns, consist of a structure, usually of brick, circular in section and cone-shaped, the furnaces being arranged around the edge below, and the hollow space within being filled with the materials to be burned or vitrified. In the common pottery-kiln the materials are exposed directly to the flames from the furnaces. In the kilns for finer ware the materials are protected from direct contact with the fires. Drying-kilns for malt, hops, grain, lumber, etc., are strictly dry-houses or drying-rooms, though sometimes called kilns, Fruit-kilns are now superseded by evaporators. Brick-kilns are properly distinguished from brick-clamps by the fact that the furnace is a permanent structure. See brick. -
To dry or burn in a kiln.
kil a large oven in which corn, bricks, hops, &c. are dried: bricks placed for burning
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. kilne, kulne, AS. cyln, cylen,; akin to Icel. kylna,; prob. from the same source as coal,. See Coal
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. cyln (Ice. kylna, a drying-house for corn)—L. culina, a kitchen.
Big Rig Accident 49 and Lime Kiln .
Traffic was backed up for miles due to a Big Rig over the embankment of highway 49 northbound south of Lime Kiln road shortly before 9 o'clock Monday morning.
Auburn Man Injured in Lime Kiln Accident.
Bo Bedilion, an assistant professor of art at Columbia College, looks at the flames coming from the kiln on Nov 11.
The fire in the kiln needs to be lit for eight to 10 hours for the pottery to cook thoroughly.
In the course of Friday afternoon and evening, maybe 20 or 25 people show up to help keep the flames going, including Cindy Hoskisson, the kiln 's longtime fire manager.
At Kiln , At Loom In New Hampshire.
Lime kiln dust is an economical option for full-depth reclamation projects.
According to the company, The Peep Show is a brilliant scheme set in motion by Skutt Ceramic Products Inc to shamelessly promote its kilns while at the same time developing a private collection of the most valuable Peep Hole Plugs on earth.
EPA Regulations Give Kilns Permission To Pollute .
If to hold water, then you need one that has been high-fired—the higher the temperature of the kiln, the more sealed the clay.
Temperature distribution in a kiln can be affected by many different factors, including.
Datapaq recently announced the availability of its Kiln Tracker RF telemetry system, a real-time profiling system for monitoring temperatures during the firing process.
Profiling Kiln Temperature with Telemetry .
A new telemetry -based kiln profiling system can provide the ability to accurately monitor temperature profiles in real time.
Industrial examples appear in the transportation, processing and storage of materials in systems such as rotary kilns, tumbling mixers, and feeding and discharge of silos.
Surface Granular flows: Two Related Examples
Several thousand dollars of his surplus he had invested in charcoal-kilns near Baltimore. "Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, Volume 11 (of 14)" by
Not our quarries and kilns, but others five times as far away. "Aladdin & Co." by
Founder's house, Minecracker's cabin, a Mine Kiln. "Iron Making in the Olden Times as instanced in the Ancient Mines, Forges, and Furnaces of The Forest of Dean" by
Kilner, from kiln, Lat. "The Romance of Names" by
Mr. 'Possum said it smelt a good deal like Mr. Man's lime-kiln on a wet morning. "Hollow Tree Nights and Days" by
Some is burned in kilns of cheap construction, but a traveler through a limestone country finds few such kilns now in use. "Right Use of Lime in Soil Improvement" by
When it goes out they let several more days go by for the kiln to cool, and then take out the saggers. "Illustrated Science for Boys and Girls" by
What would become of the boy and little missy if he were to die there in the kiln before morning? "Two Little Travellers" by
Peat is either charred in pits and heaps, or in kilns. "Peat and its Uses as Fertilizer and Fuel" by
Is thy belly a lime-kiln? "The Dragon of Wantley" by
An', ere she was aware,
Cam' ridin' roun' Pinwinnie wud
Sax black dragoons, an' mair.
An' watch'd owre her faither's life,
For he had been at Both'ell brig,
An' joined in the bluidy strife.
An' turn'd her roun' an' roun'—
The sicht she saw gaed thro' her heart
Wi' a deep an' deadly stoun.
My heart has become a red kiln, like a terrace of roses.
It is because she does not trouble about the bee on the rose
That my heart is taken.
Though her cheeks is black like the kiln-baked cork,
As she sets in the shade o’ the whingo-whango
A-waitin’ for me — with a knife and fork.
She cried, " Now, my friends, we'll march to the Bonnet Hill,
And we'll fire the dens of iniquity without dismay,
Therefore let's march on, my friends, without delay."