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  1. (v) impanel
    select from a list "empanel prospective jurors"
  2. (v) impanel
    enter into a list of prospective jurors
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Impanel
    To enter in a list, or on a piece of parchment, called a panel; to form or enroll, as a list of jurors in a court of justice.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. impanel
    To write or enter in a list or on a piece of parchment, called a panel; specifically, to make a list of; form, complete, or enroll, as a body of persons to be called as jurors in a court of justice.
  2. impanel
    More loosely, of a jury, to draw or select from the panel and swear in.
  3. impanel
    To decorate or fit with panels: as, a house impaneled with oak.
  4. impanel
    To place as a panel in a wall.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (v.t) Impanel
    to enter the names of a jury on a panel
  2. Impanel
    . See Empanel.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Pref. im-, in + panel,. Cf. Empanel

Usage in the news

Prosecutors Are Poised to Impanel AIG Grand Jury.

DALLAS {AP}— Attorneys today will begin the arduous process of impaneling a jury for the capital murder trial of George Rivas, the ringleader of a gang of escaped inmates charged with killing an Irving police officer.

A legislative group impaneled to find ways to shore up Kentucky's public pension plans is recommending repeal of built-in cost-of-living increases for government retirees.

Usage in literature

A jury of matrons was impanelled, and made an examination of the lady appellant. "She Stands Accused" by Victor MacClure

At six o'clock that evening a jury was impaneled, and two hours later its verdict was reported. "The Fifth String, The Conspirators" by John Philip Sousa

The business of impaneling a jury was a rather simple thing so far as this court was concerned. "The Financier" by Theodore Dreiser

A jury was impanelled, the deserter tried for his life, found guilty, and condemned to death. "The Great Events by Famous Historians, Vol. 1-20" by Various

The rosy-faced commissioner is in his seat, a very good-natured jury is impanelled, and the feeble old man is again brought into court. "An Outcast" by F. Colburn Adams

Never was such an infamous gang impanelled. "Mystic London:" by Charles Maurice Davies

Judges there were, who travelled on circuits, and who impanelled twelve respectable jurors, sworn to give just verdicts. "Historic Tales, Vol. 8 (of 15)" by Charles Morris

When the work of impaneling the jury was begun, old Conkwright was there with his challenges. "The Jucklins" by Opie Read

At six o'clock that evening a jury was impaneled, and two hours later its verdict was reported. "The Fifth String" by John Philip Sousa

The coroner hastily impaneled a jury, consisting wholly of Pattmore's personal and political friends. "The Somnambulist and the Detective" by Allan Pinkerton