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Fine Dictionary


A chancellor ignores a beggar and walks past a man and Death crawling on the ground with an hourglass. In the margin above the print is the text Prover. XXI.
A chancellor ignores a beggar and walks past a man and Death crawling on the ground with an hourglass. In the margin above the print is the text Prover. XXI.
  1. (adj) ignorant
    uneducated in the fundamentals of a given art or branch of learning; lacking knowledge of a specific field "she is ignorant of quantum mechanics","he is musically illiterate"
  2. (adj) ignorant
    uneducated in general; lacking knowledge or sophistication "an ignorant man","nescient of contemporary literature","an unlearned group incapable of understanding complex issues","exhibiting contempt for his unlettered companions"
  3. (adj) ignorant
    unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge "he was completely ignorant of the circumstances","an unknowledgeable assistant","his rudeness was unwitting"
Four cherubim armed with thunderbolts and shields dispel Ignorance in the form of three persons. A Latin text on a banderole. The back of the print is printed with text in Latin.
Four cherubim armed with thunderbolts and shields dispel Ignorance in the form of three persons. A Latin text on a banderole. The back of the print is printed with text in Latin.
Wisdom is in the guise of Minerva with one foot on Ignorance, a man with donkey ears. A putto honors her with a laurel wreath. She has tied the man's hands with a rope. Around them are seven personifications as a variant of the seven liberal arts; including astronomy, music, geometry, painting, sculpture and rhetoric. Below the performance is a four-line Latin caption emphasizing that ignorant people are incapable of worshiping the arts.
Wisdom is in the guise of Minerva with one foot on Ignorance, a man with donkey ears. A putto honors her with a laurel wreath. She has tied the man's hands with a rope. Around them are seven personifications as a variant of the seven liberal arts; including astronomy, music, geometry, painting, sculpture and rhetoric. Below the performance is a four-line Latin caption emphasizing that ignorant people are incapable of worshiping the arts.
Teaching the Ignorant as One of the Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy. In the center is a preacher teaching a group of people from a pulpit. In the background Christ giving the Sermon on the Mount, John the Baptist teaching people, Christ speaking to a crowd from a boat, and the parable of the sower. Around performances that have to do with the education of the ignorant. On the left Christ with the cross and on the right the prophet Daniel. In the performance various Bible texts in Latin. Below the scene a four-line verse in Latin. This print is part of an album.
Teaching the Ignorant as One of the Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy. In the center is a preacher teaching a group of people from a pulpit. In the background Christ giving the Sermon on the Mount, John the Baptist teaching people, Christ speaking to a crowd from a boat, and the parable of the sower. Around performances that have to do with the education of the ignorant. On the left Christ with the cross and on the right the prophet Daniel. In the performance various Bible texts in Latin. Below the scene a four-line verse in Latin. This print is part of an album.
Willemynken ignores two clergy who offer the holy sacrament during a meal with her sister Duyfken. She pays more attention to a bird outside in a tree. Her sister Duyfken does get up from the table, however.
Willemynken ignores two clergy who offer the holy sacrament during a meal with her sister Duyfken. She pays more attention to a bird outside in a tree. Her sister Duyfken does get up from the table, however.
Minerva, sitting on the clouds, has the Ignorance under her feet and the idleness, with a turtle, flees from her. A globe and the titles of writer César Vichard de Saint Réal contain the Genie.
Minerva, sitting on the clouds, has the Ignorance under her feet and the idleness, with a turtle, flees from her. A globe and the titles of writer César Vichard de Saint Réal contain the Genie.
Israelites who ignored the commandment of Antiochus Epiphanes are attacked and slaughtered on the Sabbath - men, women, and children - by the king's army. Below the scene a reference in Latin to the Bible text in 1 Makk. 2.
Israelites who ignored the commandment of Antiochus Epiphanes are attacked and slaughtered on the Sabbath - men, women, and children - by the king's army. Below the scene a reference in Latin to the Bible text in 1 Makk. 2.
Israelites who ignored Antiochus Epiphanes' command are attacked and slaughtered on the Sabbath by the king's army. Below the scene a reference in Latin to the Bible text in 1 Makk. 2:38. Print is part of an album.
Israelites who ignored Antiochus Epiphanes' command are attacked and slaughtered on the Sabbath by the king's army. Below the scene a reference in Latin to the Bible text in 1 Makk. 2:38. Print is part of an album.
Blindfolded Ignorance, with jester's stick and dog-eared, is held by two men on chains. The man on the left has a mask in his hand, the man on the right is pointing to an angel on a hill. The angel, in turn, points to heaven where a crown adorns the radiant eternity symbol, the snake biting its own tail.
Blindfolded Ignorance, with jester's stick and dog-eared, is held by two men on chains. The man on the left has a mask in his hand, the man on the right is pointing to an angel on a hill. The angel, in turn, points to heaven where a crown adorns the radiant eternity symbol, the snake biting its own tail.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
In Ohio, if you ignore an orator on Decoration day to such an extent as to publicly play croquet or pitch horseshoes within one mile of the speaker's stand, you can be fined $25.00.
  1. Ignorant
    Destitute of knowledge; uninstructed or uninformed; untaught; unenlightened. "He that doth not know those things which are of use for him to know, is but an ignorant man, whatever he may know besides."
  2. Ignorant
    Unacquainted with; unconscious or unaware; -- used with of. "Ignorant of guilt, I fear not shame."
  3. Ignorant
    Unknown; undiscovered. "Ignorant concealment.", "Alas, what ignorant sin have I committed?"
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
In the England it is illegal to sell most goods on a sunday, (this law is mostly ignored), it is however legal to sell a carrot. It is also legal to sell it at any price and to give free gifts with it, such as anything else one might want to buy on a sunday.
  1. ignorant
    Destitute of knowledge in general, or concerning some particular matter; uninstructed or uninformed; untaught; unenlightened.
  2. ignorant
    Keeping one in ignorance.
  3. ignorant
    Unconscious; unaware.
  4. ignorant
    Done unconsciously or innocently; unknown to one's self as being of the kind mentioned.
  5. ignorant
    Showing want of knowledge; arising from or caused by ignorance: as, an ignorant proceeding; ignorant remarks.
  6. ignorant
    Synonyms Ignorant, Illiterate, Unlettered, Unlearned, uneducated. Ignorant is the most general of these words (as, he is an ignorant fellow), except where it is limited to some subject or point (as, ignorant of the ways of the world). Illiterate means not having read or studied, or, specifically, not able to read. The illiterate are presumably ignorant outside of their own work, but not necessarily so; the ignorant are necessarily illiterate. In modern times it is as reprehensible to be illiterate as to be ignorant. Unlettered is used sometimes for illiterate and sometimes for unlearned, with corresponding measures of blame. Unlearned —that is, not learned—is, like ignorant, either general or special: as, to be unlearned in theology; as learning is the privilege of few, it is not especially blameworthy to be even generally unlearned.
  7. (n) ignorant
    A person who is untaught or uninformed; one who is unlettered or unskilled; an ignoramus.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
29% of us ignore RSVP.
  1. (adj) Ignorant
    ig′nō-rant without knowledge: uninstructed: unacquainted with: resulting from want of knowledge: :
  2. (adj) Ignorant
    ig′nō-rant (Shak.) unconscious
  3. (adj) Ignorant
    ig′nō-rant (Shak.) undiscovered
Jeremy Bentham
Lawyers are the only persons in whom ignorance of the law is not punished.
Jeremy Bentham
Daniel J. Boorstin
The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance -- it is the illusion of knowledge.
Daniel J. Boorstin
Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance.
Ogden Nash
Parents were invented to make children happy by giving them something to ignore.
Ogden Nash
Joseph Addison
Prejudice and self-sufficiency naturally proceed from inexperience of the world, and ignorance of mankind.
Joseph Addison
Quotations are useful in periods of ignorance or obscurantist beliefs.
Guy Debord

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F., fr. L. ignorans, -antis, p. pr. of ignorare, to be ignorant. See Ignore

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr.,—L. ignorans, -antis, pr.p. of ignorāre. See Ignore.

Usage in the news

'Twas the week before Christmas, and from the White House to the Meadowlands, the press opened its stocking to find the usual lump of coal—Santa/Jesus' payback for ignoring the good news about Iraq and the Jets' offense.

On Second Thought Julie Gibbs director, BPE Global Email Now There are several reasons why executives throw caution to the wind and ignore compliance regulations.

To name a few we have ignorance, greed, and intentional disregard.

The political elite ignore them at their peril.

If the Curaçao Drydock Company ignores the judgment, they will find it hard to do business with US firms or the Miami-based cruise ship lines, Mr Miles says.

Can't Ignore It, Can't Not Ignore It.

Republicans rammed an election-year, $46 billion tax cut for most of America's employers through the House on Thursday, ignoring a White House veto threat in a debate both parties used to show voters how they would bolster the economy.

Jessica Biel is not easy to ignore.

Avs' spending can't ignore labor issues.

Still in the employ of their country, Tyrone Woods and Glenn Doherty fought until the bloody end, while our country stood by and ignored their pleas for help.

Sleep Myths You Can Ignore.

Can Dr Elwell-Sutton be ignorant of the fact that Idries Shah's father was an internationally celebrated scholar whose last appointment was representing Indian culture.

Personally, I do not believe that originality has died, but I recognize that the obituaries cannot exactly be ignored.

PHOENIX — Tired of having Arizona ignored every four years, Gov Jan Brewer said Friday she's coming around to believing it's time to scrap the Electoral College .

However in Blanding, despite the judge's order, the Sheepherder ignore the ruling and consented to drilling.

Usage in scientific papers

In actual experimental settings, surface diffusion cannot be ignored.
Anomalous Roughness, Localization, and Globally Constrained Random Walks

Often one finds that many Monte Carlo practitioners tend to remain ignorant of how these numbers are produced.
Monte Carlo: Basics

For example, it has been observed by many authors that particles following geodesic paths in higher dimensions seem to have variable rest masses according to observers ignorant of the extra dimensions [12,15].
Null Geodesics in Five Dimensional Manifolds

However, the conformal metric has been singled out as the 4D metric appropriate to observers ignorant of y (as opposed to the induced metric, which is appropriate to observers confined to Σy hypersurfaces).
Null Geodesics in Five Dimensional Manifolds

Within perturbative QCD this argument is valid as long as we ignore corrections of ms/E and |pt |/E , and higher configurations of K ∗ such as sqqq and sqg .
Final-state interaction and s-quark helicity conservation in B -> J/psi K*

Usage in literature

Be strong, ignore the whole affair, leave it in the hands of time and forget it. "The Eugenic Marriage, Vol. 3 (of 4)" by W. Grant Hague

They are gone, I know not whither, and I, fool that I was, was too ignorant to find out in those days more about him. "The Day of Judgment" by Joseph Hocking

He drank it where he stood, on the hearthrug, ignoring his old place on the sofa by her side. "The Creators" by May Sinclair

Nature resents being ignored. "Modern Women and What is Said of Them" by Anonymous

They mean well, but err from ignorance more than from headstrong zeal. "Popular Education" by Ira Mayhew

A few years ago, the State ignored, when it did not ridicule, the National Congress. "India, Its Life and Thought" by John P. Jones

I could easily make a mistake from ignorance. "The Saracen: Land of the Infidel" by Robert Shea

What slow coaches, and what ignorance of human nature and of human events. "Diary from March 4, 1861, to November 12, 1862" by Adam Gurowski

She still sobbed, ignoring him, ignoring that he held her. "The Rainbow" by D. H. (David Herbert) Lawrence

I instantly told all to Stanton, who was almost ignorant of Franklin's surreptitiousness. "Diary from November 12, 1862, to October 18, 1863" by Adam Gurowski

Usage in poetry
I long to see the coming day
When wicked wars and strifes shall cease,
And ignorance and crime give way
Before the march of truth and peace.
I deem'd, by ignorance misled,
That Christ for my transgressions bled,
And that the Fiend no right cou'd claim
O'er those, who merely own'd his name.
Then sweeping down below Virginia's Capes,
From Chesapeake to where Savannah flows,
We find the settlers laughing 'mid their grapes
And ignorant of snows.
The noise of a fool in mock distress,
Crashing and laughing and blindly going,
Of ignorant feet and a swishing dress,
And a Voice profaning the solitudes.
Knowledge ordained to live! although the fate
Of much that went before it was—to die,
And be called ignorance by such as wait
Till the next drift comes by.
What sage can dare impugn
Man's immortality?
Our godhead swims, immune
From death and destiny.
Ignored the bubble in the flow
Of love eighteen short years ago!