a flat cake of thin batter fried on both sides on a griddle
Sell like hotcakes - If something is selling like hotcakes, it is very popular and selling very well.
While Wal-Mart and their exclusive release, AC/DC's Black Ice , continue to sell like hotcakes, Best Buy's investment in Guns n' Roses' Chinese Democracy is an industry flop.
International District restaurant owners are unlikely to wish their menu items sold like hotcakes, since it turns out the breakfast dish doesn't sell well at all in the neighborhood.
Soy milk makes these golden-brown hotcakes rich and satisfying.
Season tickets for the 49ers' new stadium are selling like hotcakes, even though we're not talking about IHOP pricing.
Original Hotcake and Steak House.
The iPhone 5 is selling like hotcakes, but so are the 4 and 4S.
Very little about the iPhone 5 advanced the state of the art in the handset business, but it still looks like a nice smartphone that will sell like hotcakes.
"I remember being totally blown away by an Ed Paschke show at Dean 's gallery when I was a student at MIAD," says Mike Brenner, who some years later opened his own space, Hotcakes Gallery.
Hotcakes Emporium serves big, light and fluffy stacks.
The Xbox 360 sold like hotcakes during Black Friday week.
Tiger Woods' sizzling date with a hotcakes waitress was the reason he agreed to pose for a rare cover shoot for Men's Fitness magazine, sources said yesterday.
Selling Like Hotcakes and Starting Wars.
And if a marriage proposal follows some hotcakes and hooch, this Denny's will soon open its own wedding chapel.
Houses 'selling like hotcakes' in Meridian Ranch.
Some of the nation's priciest properties are selling like hotcakes.
Coffee, bacon, and hotcakes suited him perfectly. "Cabin Fever" by
The edition is going like hotcakes. "Makers of Madness" by
This amount of batter will make hotcakes for four persons. "Mrs. Wilson's Cook Book" by
Potato-flour hotcakes, with Baldur honey and Odin flameberry jam. "Naudsonce" by
Breakfast was on the table when they got back, and she was hungry; as soon as grace was said, she started on a stack of hotcakes and honey. "The Alembic Plot" by
Wal, that medicine went like hotcakes! "Alec Lloyd, Cowpuncher" by