(computer science) the mechanical, magnetic, electronic, and electrical components making up a computer system -
major items of military weaponry (as tanks or missile) -
instrumentalities (tools or implements) made of metal
Any of the physical objects used in carrying out an activity, in contrast to the knowledge, skill, or theory required to perform the activity; mostly used collectively. -
(Computers) The sum of all the physical objects, such as the electrical, mechanical, and electronic devices which comprise a computer system; as, the typical PC hardware suite consists of a mainboard and a number of peripherals such as hard drives and speakers, connected by adapter cards, but the input and output from users occurs mostly through the keyboard and monitor; contrasted with software, the programs executed by the computer. -
(Military) The weapons, transport, and other physical objects used in conducting a war. -
Ware made of metal, as cutlery, kitchen utensils, and the like; ironmongery. -
Weapons, especially handguns, carried on the person; as, check your hardware at the door before entering.
Small metal articles, such as house- or carriage-trimmings, fittings, parts of machines, domestic and kitchen utensils and appliances, and small tools. For more convenient classification, such material is called builders' hardware, domestic hardware, carriage-hardware, etc. -
Alcoholic liquors.
trade name for all sorts of articles made of the baser metals, such as iron or copper
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. heard; Dut. hard, Ger. hart, Goth. hardus; allied to Gr. kratys, strong.
Widest range of hardware choices. pcmag.com
I spoke to two developers that told me that the iPad can't even come close to the hardware horsepower the Xoom offers with Honeycomb 's new 3D rendering technology, allowing them to port 3D and PC games over to the mobile platform. pcmag.com
The small, craft beer brewery officially opens from 3-8 pm today at 1951 Fox Avenue in the railroad/industrial area off Phillips Field Road, near Florcraft and Samson Hardware. newsminer.com
Crown Ace Hardware in San Diego offers GE Energy Smart CFLs, which promise $59 in energy savings per bulb. homechannelnews.com
WebOS hardware stays with Personal Systems Group. indowsitpro.com
Avid Technology has announced a partnership with MOG Technologies to deliver a fully integrated end-to-end hardware and software ingest , and recording solutions for live and post-productions environments. tvtechnology.com
Arkansas Electric Cooperative Says Software Sensors Are Just as Good as Hardware Sensors, With Less Maintenance and Fewer Headaches. controlglobal.com
In today's highly dynamic information technology (IT) marketplace, businesses and other organizations routinely deploy heterogeneous IT networks consisting of hardware and software from multiple vendors. metrocorpcounsel.com
The new card eliminates the need for Ethernet switches and their associated hardware and implementation costs. controleng.com
Either hardware or software solutions (particularly those involving use of distributed smartphones) may be acceptable. popsci.com
Almost immediately, hardware manufacturers and carriers sought to distance themselves from Carrier IQ. csmonitor.com
Hotel Lock Firm's Security Fix Requires Hardware Changes For Millions Of Keycard Locks. forbes.com
Stunning hardware, but apps are sparse. money.cnn.com
Hardware Transactional Memory for GPU Architectures IS - 3 SN - 0272-1732 SP7 EP16 EPD - 7-16 A1. computer.org
So many memories I'm the daughter of Wray Stephens, an owner of Stephens Hardware, which closed earlier this month after 78 years in Fuquay-Varina. carynews.com
The simulation does not model all the details of the hardware.
Multiagent Control of Self-reconfigurable Robots
The two layers are connected via the middle layer which is 100M Ethernet. In order to preserve our investment in the hardware, the existing CAMAC hardware will remain. The CAMAC will be connected to the VME via CAMAC serial highway . The operator interface will be developed with EPICS DM2K.
A Prototype of Upgrading Bepc Control System
Now, hardware limitations make restrictictions on N .
Reply to ``Comment on `Properties of the massive Thirring model from the XYZ spin chain' "
In addition, while some VOs are focused on sharing of hardware resources (e.g., CPUs and storage), for others the primary motivation is to coordinate sharing of application services requiring access to both software and hardware.
Fine-Grained Authorization for Job Execution in the Grid: Design and Implementation
After the hardware, a program has to be developed.
Simple 8085 microprocessor compatible I/O card
Sheet-copper can be purchased at a tinsmith's or at a hardware store. "How Two Boys Made Their Own Electrical Apparatus" by
On the contrary, she exports much more hardware to us than we buy from her. "Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 147, October 14, 1914" by
Meantime, he collected from the hardware store various cards with samples of different colors on them. "Hepsey Burke" by
Such tubing can be obtained from any hardware store. "Boys' Book of Model Boats" by
Now, Sheffield can turn out the best hardware in the world, no one can deny that. "Brighter Britain! (Volume 1 of 2)" by
In fact, very little hardware was wasted on any part of that cabin. "The Boy Settlers" by
Brass handles instead of door knobs lend distinction to the hardware. "The Colonial Architecture of Philadelphia" by
Several kegs of nails, some hardware, and some sacks of cement were scattered in the road. "The Coyote" by
Used to be Blands Hardware. "The Cuckoo Clock" by
Ice cream freezers can be bought at any hardware store. "Desserts and Salads" by
Clerk in a hardware store;
I guess he does the best he can
To feed his kiddies four:
It sure is hard,—don't think it funny,
I've lately loaned him money.
One terrible blot in a ledger so neat:
The shop full of hardware, but black as a hearse,
And the rest of the mansion a thousand times worse.