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Fine Dictionary


  1. (n) grist
    grain intended to be or that has been ground
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Grist
    Ground corn; that which is ground at one time; as much grain as is carried to the mill at one time, or the meal it produces. "Get grist to the mill to have plenty in store."
  2. Grist
    In rope making, a given size of rope, common grist being a rope three inches in circumference, with twenty yarns in each of the three strands.
  3. Grist
    Supply; provision.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) grist
    A grinding: in the quotation used of the gnashing of the teeth.
  2. (n) grist
    That which is ground; corn to be ground; grain carried to the mill to be ground separately for its owner.
  3. (n) grist
    The amount ground at one time; the grain carried to the mill for grinding at one time.
  4. (n) grist
    Hence Material for an occasion; a supply or provision.
  5. (n) grist
    Material for one brewing. See the extract.
  6. (n) grist
    A given size of rope or yarn, as determined by the amount of material. The common grist of rope is a circumference of 3 inches, with 20 yarns in each of the 3 strands.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Grist
    grist corn for grinding at one time: supply: profit

Grist for the mill - Something that you can use to your advantage is grist for the mill. ('Grist to the mill' is also used.)


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary AS. grist, fr. grindan,. See Grind

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. grist, gerst, a grinding; from root of grind.

Usage in the news

VALLEY GRANDE — Controlled burns that began in December at Paul M Grist State Park will continue through January, according to a release from the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

A converted country grist mill.

Lots of Grist But Not Much Certainty.

Amgen's Matsuda offers grist for the regulatory rumor mill.

Seattle's Grist fuels Facebook's climate-change forum.

Grist mill renovated for shop.

The Benson Grist Mill site has become a new home for old structures from around Tooele County, including a cabin used as a rug-making craft shop with a working loom, as demonstrated by guide and historian Kathy Johnson.

More than 160 years old, Tooele County?s historic Benson Grist Mill remains a stately landmark just south of I-80 in Stansbury Park, on S.R 138.

Tom Laskawy blogs on food policy for and Beyond Green.

From an AP list of fun facts about presidential hopefuls, Grist has culled candidates' culinary preferences, which, by and large, don't include veggies.

The upscale baked goods company in Norwalk is donating $15,000 to the 70-year-old Wayside Inn Grist Mill in Sudbury, Mass.

Novelists from that part of the world in the cold war decades have tended to take the System as their chief theme, and to make it grist for dark satire or grim allegory.

A Michigan teen made a gristly discovery after biting into an Arby's junior roast beef sandwich.

The upscale baked goods company in Norwalk is donating $15,000 to the 70-year-old Wayside Inn Grist Mill in Sudbury , Mass.

Her work has appeared in The Huffington Post, Civil Eats, and Grist.

Usage in literature

No grist that came from his mill was likely to be ground finer than a business scheme put before him. "The Rival Campers Ashore" by Ruel Perley Smith

Stand away or I will beat you into grist. "Robin Hood" by Paul Creswick

He's the head man from Oliver Sands's grist-mill. "Dorothy's House Party" by Evelyn Raymond

It went into the barn through a small door in the corner, which was in halves, like a grist-mill door. "Track's End" by Hayden Carruth

Right down into the whirl of the dreadful grist he sank. "The Backwoodsmen" by Charles G. D. Roberts

But Mart had been to the mill the day before, and had waited there two hours while his father was having a grist of corn ground. "Harper's Young People, June 1, 1880" by Various

Crowded over its entire under surface were gristly, flattened suckers. "Astounding Stories of Super-Science September 1930" by Various

I'd rather throw my good name into the hopper and let it grind out grist for Addington. "The Prisoner" by Alice Brown

Even now he could hear the drowsy hum of the distant sawmill that was lazily turning out its grist. "The Valley of Silent Men" by James Oliver Curwood

They stole a whole grist of slow stock and that measures their gait. "Two Arrows" by William O. Stoddard

Usage in poetry
Tours, Travels, Essays, too, I wist,
And Sermons, to thy mill bring grist;
And then thou hast the "Navy List,"
My Murray.
When the Grist and Rolling Mill
Ground and rumbled by Po Hill,
And the old red school-house stood
Midway in the Powow's flood,
Here dwelt Abram Morrison.
Swift as their summons came they left
The plough mid-furrow standing still,
The half-ground corn grist in the mill,
The spade in earth, the axe in cleft.
The sword, the lance,
The morris dance,
The highland song, the greenwood ditty,
Of these I read,
Or, when the need,
My Miller grinds me grist that's gritty!
Is it nothing for us to idly sleep
While the cohorts of death their vigils keep?
To gather the young and thoughtless in
And grind in our midst a grist of sin?
Is it nothing for us to idly sleep
While the cohorts of death their vigils keep?
To gather the young and thoughtless in,
And grind in our midst a grist of sin?