reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins) -
excessive desire to acquire or possess more (especially more material wealth) than one needs or deserves
grēd" An eager desire or longing; greediness; as, a greed of gain.
An excessively eager desire to possess something, especially wealth; avaricious desire; especially, coarse and brutal avarice. -
A greedy person. -
Synonyms Greediness, Greed; eagerness, avidity. Greediness is used either literally or figuratively, as greediness for food, greediness for favors, applause, knowledge; greed has now lost its literal sense, and is rarely used except for avarice and in such phrases as greed of gain, greed of wealth, greed of gold. -
To cry; cry out; call. -
A pondweed (Potamogeton in several species): usually in plural. -
plural Straw used to make manure in a farm-yard.
an eager desire or longing: covetousness
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Akin to Goth. grēdus, hunger, Icel. grāðr,. √34. See Greedy.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. grǽdig; Dut. gretig.
This is still about greed.
The whole mantra of the Occupy Wall Street movement is that 99% of the people in this country are fed up with the greed, entitlement, and corruption of the wealthiest 1.
Money and greed are trumping citizen rights and needs to travel those routes without being bombarded by dangerously distracting, glitzy and brightly-lit freeway signs.
Occupy Wall Street, the protest movement launched to fight corporate greed and corruption, is now buying up peoples' debts and forgiving them.
Steer Clear of Gas Pump Greed.
Politicians are urging New York drivers to steer clear of fear and greed at the pump.
Can the greed get worse .
Can their greed get any worse.
Compassion trumps greed in US vote.
Here's the poster boy for cold, heartless, selfish greed .
Thoughts on corporate greed .
If Greed Were a Twinkie, I'd Eat It.
Letters Kansas DMV, Royals, Thanksgiving greed .
Political climate is due to Republican greed .
Elderly woman falls prey to caregiver's greed .
Once the proper space-time greed is given it is immediately clear that the long bursts are generated at distances of 4 × 1016 cm from the EMBH.
Observational tests of the Electro-Magnetic Black Hole Theory in Gamma-Ray Bursts
For Brillouin zone integration we sum up a k-space greed of 512 points in the irreducible part of the Brillouin zone. A cutoff of lmax = 8 for the multipole expansion of the charge density and a cutoff of lmax = 3 for the wave functions was used.
Nonquasiparticle states in half-metallic ferromagnet NiMnSb
Two of them are situated on islands: Manhattan (with an almost regular greed-like city plan) and the network of Venice canals (imprinting the joined effect of natural, political, and economical factors acted on the network during many centuries).
Random Walks Along the Streets and Canals in Compact Cities: Spectral analysis, Dynamical Modularity, Information, and Statistical Mechanics
Fear and greed often lead to over-reactions and possible panics when the sentiments become negative, triggering herd selling which self-fulfills the very fears at their origin (Veldkamp, 2005).
How to grow a bubble: A model of myopic adapting agents
The two algorithms find the same solution, but the basic greed y algorithm needs to recompute the gain for all edges uninterdicted edges at every iteration, while the priority algorithm can exploit fast initialization and stale computational values.
Optimal Interdiction of Unreactive Markovian Evaders
And all this was to sate the greed of greedy men who hide behind the veil of vengeance! "Darkwater" by
His one passion was the greed of power, heightened by the lust for blood. "Renaissance in Italy, Volume 1 (of 7)" by
And when the wickedness and greed of the wooers was made known to her, Athene grew very angry. "Young Folks Treasury, Volume 3 (of 12)" by
Excitement, greed, appetite were rife in them. "The Rustlers of Pecos County" by
Greed packed the great ones equally with the small. "American Merchant Ships and Sailors" by
Greed is swifter than a greyhound. "Wise or Otherwise" by
It was untainted by greed. "The Judge" by
And in his wake men, whose eyes fairly bulged with the greed of gold, jammed their outfits into packs and headed into the North. "The Gun-Brand" by
Their greed was insatiable, although they were lazy and slothful; and for that reason they practice unheard-of usury. "The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume XXI, 1624" by
Wagner may reasonably be defended against the charge of greed or luxury. "Richard Wagner" by
Through greed, or lust, or hate . . .
Aye, them seem rightful words to you,
But me, I calls it - Fate.
And robbed me of early joys,
But I sing again, with hope restored,
When I see the girls and boys
One little spot where leaves can grow,--
To love unblamed, to walk unseen,
To dream above, to sleep below!
She harl'd a' things in,
As if she wad live for hunners o' years,
An' the warl' never gang dune.
Still runs through life's remotest vein;
And lust and greed and soulless creed
Shall never rule the world again.
So vain the world's poor tinselled show,
What wonder that some souls have need
To flee from all its sin and woe?