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Fine Dictionary


  1. (adj) glum
    moody and melancholic
  2. (adj) glum
    showing a brooding ill humor "a dark scowl","the proverbially dour New England Puritan","a glum, hopeless shrug","he sat in moody silence","a morose and unsociable manner","a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius"- Bruce Bliven","a sour temper","a sullen crowd"
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Glum
    Moody; silent; sullen. "I frighten people by my glun face."
  2. Glum
    glŭm Sullenness.
  3. Glum
    To look sullen; to be of a sour countenance; to be glum.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. glum
    To frown; look sullen or glum: same as gloom.
  2. glum
    Gloomily sullen or silent; moody; frowning.
  3. (n) glum
    A sullen look; a frown.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (adj) Glum
    glum frowning: sullen: gloomy

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary See Gloom

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary M. E. glomben, glommen, to frown: prob. related to Sw. glomma, Low Ger. glummen.

Usage in the news

Hollywood's holidays start glumly with bad weekend.

Republican Governors Meet, Glumly .

Bale Plays Bruce Wayne, Glumly.

Later insisted he never meant the glum slides to reach the public.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and his oldest daughter Katherine looked noticably glum Monday -- only a day before news broke that Arnold had fathered a child out-of-wedlock.

We first meet this divorced, 50-ish, glumly alcoholic white-collar worker — the protagonist of Bobcat Goldthwait's God Bless America — on one of his sleepless nights, entertaining homicidal fantasies about the couple next door.

The glum economy has left more than a few highly talented people without jobs for longer than they might have imagined.

Don't be glum, fanboys, you can make up for it this weekend with Pop Con, the University of Alaska Fairbanks' con that brings the best in games, comics and pop culture right to our backyard.

I spent an unhealthy portion of last season feeling glum about "Glee".

FX Remember when the Sons were all glum a few episodes ago after, ya know, all those people died.

Tax Policy Center issues glum report.

Grimmer View Of Recession Leads To Glum UConn Forecast.

Frankly, after seeing Nick's gymnastics, I was a little glum that I was "stiff as steel," not supple enough, not letting myself surrender to the experience.

Thanks to his sleepwalking — the glum inertia of his days and the literal somnambulance of his nights — the wrong dreams are coming true.

A somber Republican crowd watched glumly on Tuesday as former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney failed in his bid to unseat President Barack Obama, despite a stubbornly high unemployment rate.

Usage in literature

Unmoved by the gloom of those about her, glum looks, short answers, and the atmosphere of a November fog, she went about her business as before. "Boy Woodburn" by Alfred Ollivant

I say, McAllister, you look very glum. "Marie Gourdon" by Maud Ogilvy

Seaton began to look rather glum. "The Luckiest Girl in the School" by Angela Brazil

So upon being dismissed we returned to our barracks looking decidedly glum. "Sixteen Months in Four German Prisons" by Henry Charles Mahoney

McDonald, too, stood glum and dour, clasping his wrist behind his back. "Conjuror's House" by Stewart Edward White

But at the question the fellow went glum with a tipping and bowing and begging of pardon. "Heralds of Empire" by Agnes C. Laut

I have pieced out the rest of his story, and I shall put it into my book when I am less glum. "The Chequers" by James Runciman

They came away in good spirits, and must have succeeded, else they'd a' been glum enough. "Captain Sam" by George Cary Eggleston

Henrietta would have felt quite glum, except that she couldn't very well mope in the midst of the terrific racket all about her. "The Tale of Henrietta Hen" by Arthur Scott Bailey

The bays were a glum appearing pair. "The Tale of Pony Twinkleheels" by Arthur Scott Bailey

Usage in poetry
I shall stay here and keep my word.
Glumly I wait to marry dust.
It grieves me only that I must
Speak not to you, but to a bird.
"Why should folk be glum," said Keezar,
"When Nature herself is glad,
And the painted woods are laughing
At the faces so sour and sad?"
He searched for the trace of a pictured face,
He watched each missive come,
And a note that seemed like a love-line
Made him look frozen and glum.
Little Jack Horner sat in a corner,
Eating his whole wheat pie,
He looked pretty glum for he found not a plum,
And he said, I don't like this old pie.
He blew and he blew, and she thinned to a thread.
"One puff
More's enough
To blow her to snuff!
One good puff more where the last was bred,
And glimmer, glimmer, glum will go that thread!"
I buy the bunch for twopence,
And she puts it at her waist — Oh, violets, cheap violets, how dear you do become !
I buy the bunch for twopence,
And the lilies are disgraced,
The snowdrops hang neglected, and the daffodils look glum !