cheap showy jewelry or ornament on clothing
A showy trifle; a toy; a splendid plaything; a pretty but worthless bauble. "A heavy gewgaw called a crown." -
Showy; unreal; pretentious. "Seeing his gewgaw castle shine."
A showy trifle; a pretty thing of little worth; a toy; a bauble; a gaudy plaything or ornament. -
A pipe or flute. -
A Jew′ s-harp. -
Showy, without substantial use or worth.
gū′gaw a toy: a bauble -
showy without value
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. gigawe, gugawe, gewgaude, prob. the same word as OE. givegove, gewgaw, apparently a reduplicated form fr. AS. gifan, to give; cf. also F. joujou, plaything, and E. gaud, (n.) See Give, and cf. Giffgaff
And now, do you wish to adorn your pretty self with any of these gewgaws? "Dick Leslie's Luck" by
The warehouses were strictly closed; and a few booths, with trifling gewgaws, were alone to be seen. "A Tramp's Wallet stored by an English goldsmith during his wanderings in Germany and France" by
For what, after all, do these coronation halls and gewgaws amount to? "The Land of Thor" by
It is a new fashion, and I said when thou wert old enough for rings and gewgaws there is all thy mother's. "A Little Girl in Old Philadelphia" by
What did English people want with banners and such-like gewgaws? "Ghetto Comedies" by
Have I not misrepresented my gewgaws as the atheist misrepresents the truth? "The Book of Khalid" by
Her money was running short, and that morning in a bazaar she had seen all kinds of pretty gewgaws. "Their Son; The Necklace" by
I'll put this gewgaw on her in a jiffy, and that'll be the end of it! "Belford's Magazine, Volume II, No. 8, January, 1889" by
She sat down and spread the gewgaws out before her on the dresser. "Frances of the Ranges" by
Gravelines was a poor place, but Charles had other ways of influencing people than by piling up gewgaws before them. "The Wives of Henry the Eighth and the Parts They Played in History" by