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Fine Dictionary


  1. (n) frontlet
    an adornment worn on the forehead
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Frontlet
    A frontal or brow band; a or band worn on the forehead. "They shall be as frontlets between thine eyes."
  2. Frontlet
    A frown (likened to a frontlet). "What makes that frontlet on? Methinks you are too much of late i' the frown."
  3. Frontlet
    (Zoöl) The margin of the head, behind the bill of birds, often bearing rigid bristles.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) frontlet
    Something worn on the forehead; specifically, among the Hebrews, a phylactery bound upon the forehead.
  2. (n) frontlet
    A band for the forehead; specifically, one forming part of the head-dress worn in the fifteenth century and later. It was sometimes of silk or velvet, and frontlets of gold are mentioned, which were probably of cloth of gold. Frontlets, or bandages, were also worn at night to prevent or cure wrinkles. Formerly called frowning-cloth.
  3. (n) frontlet
    Figuratively, the look or appearance of the forehead.
  4. (n) frontlet
    The forehead or front.
  5. (n) frontlet
    Specifically, in ornithology, the frons or forehead of a bird in any way marked by the color or texture of the plumage: as, the glittering metallic frontlet of a humming-bird. See frontal, n., 7.
  6. (n) frontlet
    The skin which covers the forehead of a mammal, particularly of a ruminant.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Frontlet
    a band worn on the forehead

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OF. frontelet brow band, dim. of frontel, frontal,. See Frontal (n.)

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary O. Fr.,—L. frons, frontis, the forehead.

Usage in literature

From frontlet to tail, the horse likewise shone red in the sunset. "Phantastes" by George MacDonald

This piece of head-wear was turban-shaped, striped, of course, with a leather frontlet, on which was fastened the mining lamp. "The Twin Hells" by John N. Reynolds

He binds it upon his children's hands, and it is as a frontlet between their eyes. "Bunyan Characters (Second Series)" by Alexander Whyte

White horses with white frontlet plumes came round the Rotunda corner, galloping. "Ulysses" by James Joyce

I will apologize and come to thee, O cruel one, with heavy frontlets dark. "Moorish Literature" by Anonymous

Gatty for ever smiles upon you; and Frontlet disdains to see you smile. "The Tatler, Volume 1, 1899" by George A. Aitken

Now he seemed to wear her words like a frontlet, branded in the mantling scarlet of his brow. "V. V.'s Eyes" by Henry Sydnor Harrison

For twenty-odd years they had been written on the tablets of his heart and worn as frontlets between his brows. "The Street Called Straight" by Basil King

A frontlet of pearl-shell nautilus adorned the head, and a crescent of pearl-shell the breast. "The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume I (of 3)" by Sir James George Frazer

The frontlet and barb were pieces of white linen, the former worn over the forehead, the latter over the chin. "Mistress Margery" by Emily Sarah Holt

Usage in poetry
Still let that claim adorn thy neck —
Still let that frontlet grace thy brow —
Still let that ring thy finger deck —
And ne'er a step without it go.
Thee did nails grave upon My hands, thy name
Did thorns for frontlets stamp between Mine eyes:
I, Holy One, put on thy guilt and shame;
I, God, Priest, Sacrifice.
Lo! carpet-bag and bagger occupy the land,
And prove the touring season actively begun;
His personnel and purpose can none misunderstand,
For each upon his frontlet bears his honest brand--
The fool-ish one!
Let him go!—let him go! Let him plunge!—Keep away!
He's a foal of the third seal's brood!
Gaunt with armour, in grim array
Of poitrel and frontlet-hood,
Let him go, a living castle, away—
Right for the evil wood.
Lonely and cold and fierce I keep my way,
Scourge of the lands, companioned by the storm,
Tossing to heaven my frontlet, wild and gray,
Mateless, yet conscious ever of a warm
And brooding presence close to mine all day.
Shall such an one lend love or borrow?
Shall these be sorry for thy sorrow?
Shall these give thanks for words or breath?
Their hate is as their loving-kindness;
The frontlet of their brows is blindness,
The armlet of their arms is death.