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Fine Dictionary


  1. (v) flump
    set (something or oneself) down with or as if with a noise "He planked the money on the table","He planked himself into the sofa"
  2. (v) flump
    fall heavily
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. flump
    To throw down with violence.
  2. flump
    To throw one's self down heavily; flop: as, she flumped down into a chair.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (v.t) Flump
    flump (coll.) to throw down violently
  2. (v.i) Flump
    to throw one's self down heavily
  3. (n) Flump
    the dull sound so produced
Usage in literature

The book dropped from his hand and fell with a flump on the floor. "Beyond" by John Galsworthy

Then their four frilled hands came down and they flumped out of the high bed. "Pointed Roofs" by Dorothy Richardson

She entered Mrs. Gartney's presence with nonchalance, and "flumped" incontinently into the easiest and nearest chair. "Faith Gartney's Girlhood" by Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney

The conflicting accounts of Miss Flump, Miss Finch, Mrs Mendham, Crump, and Mrs Jehoram had puzzled her immensely. "The Wonderful Visit" by Herbert George Wells