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Fine Dictionary


Factory building with the carrier for the sugar cane. Javanese construction workers are sitting on the ground between the scaffolding, January 15, 1927. Part of the photo album with photos of the construction of the sugar factory in Goenoengsari on East Java by the Handels Vereniging Amsterdam 1926-1927.
Factory building with the carrier for the sugar cane. Javanese construction workers are sitting on the ground between the scaffolding, January 15, 1927. Part of the photo album with photos of the construction of the sugar factory in Goenoengsari on East Java by the Handels Vereniging Amsterdam 1926-1927.
  1. (n) factory
    a plant consisting of one or more buildings with facilities for manufacturing
Merchant with a handcart in front of a branch of Verkade bread factory 'de Ruijter', Zaandam
Merchant with a handcart in front of a branch of Verkade bread factory 'de Ruijter', Zaandam
The sugar factory society. White building with a staircase, in the foreground a road. Part of the photo album presented to FJ Wirix by the staff of the Djatiroto Sugar Company in 1917.
The sugar factory society. White building with a staircase, in the foreground a road. Part of the photo album presented to FJ Wirix by the staff of the Djatiroto Sugar Company in 1917.
Hotel belonging to the sugar factory. White building with veranda on which a man, grass, shrubs and trees around the house. Part of the photo album presented to FJ Wirix by the staff of the Djatiroto Sugar Company in 1917.
Hotel belonging to the sugar factory. White building with veranda on which a man, grass, shrubs and trees around the house. Part of the photo album presented to FJ Wirix by the staff of the Djatiroto Sugar Company in 1917.
The second turning shop of the machine factory, installed around 1916-1919, situation in 1920. Part of the binder with photos of machines from the NV Machinefabriek Braat in Soerabaja, Soekaboemi and Jogyakarta, from the period 1908-1942.
The second turning shop of the machine factory, installed around 1916-1919, situation in 1920. Part of the binder with photos of machines from the NV Machinefabriek Braat in Soerabaja, Soekaboemi and Jogyakarta, from the period 1908-1942.
The explosion of the powder factory in the powder mill Sollenburg on the Overtoom in Amsterdam on August 14, 1758.
The explosion of the powder factory in the powder mill Sollenburg on the Overtoom in Amsterdam on August 14, 1758.
Photo album about the Tjomal sugar factory on Java, with brown linen cover and 50 cardboard inner sheets. A photo has been pasted on the first 37 sheets, hereafter 14 empty sheets; to the album 3 photos pasted on loose cardboard with caption: O. Hisgen & Co., Semarang, 1 loose photo of a river in which people and 1 loose photo of a man standing in front of a machine, pasted in passepartout. Photos from the period 1890-1910.
Photo album about the Tjomal sugar factory on Java, with brown linen cover and 50 cardboard inner sheets. A photo has been pasted on the first 37 sheets, hereafter 14 empty sheets; to the album 3 photos pasted on loose cardboard with caption: O. Hisgen & Co., Semarang, 1 loose photo of a river in which people and 1 loose photo of a man standing in front of a machine, pasted in passepartout. Photos from the period 1890-1910.
Portrait photo (carte-de-visite) of Gustav Schnitzler, founder of umbrella factory 'Gelria'. Schnitzler is depicted in a three-quarter face looking to the left as a bust. He has short wavy hair, a drooping mustache and a straight goatee. He wears a plain dark coat with flat lapels, white shirt and a striped tie with a flat knot.
Portrait photo (carte-de-visite) of Gustav Schnitzler, founder of umbrella factory 'Gelria'. Schnitzler is depicted in a three-quarter face looking to the left as a bust. He has short wavy hair, a drooping mustache and a straight goatee. He wears a plain dark coat with flat lapels, white shirt and a striped tie with a flat knot.
Serpentine cooking pan. Manufactured in 1916 by Machinefabriek Braat and intended for the Tangoelangin Sugar Factory. Part of the photo album Machinefabriek Braat Soerabaia-Djocja-Tegal, ca. 1916-1924.
Sf.Tangoelangin (1916) Serpentine cooking pot of 260 H.L.with hammered iron double bottom
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
Michael Jordan makes more money from Nike annually than all of the Nike factory workers in Malaysia combined
  1. Factory
    A house or place where factors, or commercial agents, reside, to transact business for their employers. "The Company's factory at Madras."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
In 1848, the first American pasta factory opened in Brooklyn, New York. The name of the man that opened it was Antoine Zerega
  1. (n) factory
    An establishment of merchants and factors resident in a foreign place, formed for mutual protection and advantage, usually occupying special quarters under their own control, and sometimes having fortified posts and depots. In the middle ages foreign factories existed in most large European cities, and to a later period in many Asiatic and African ports, often giving rise, especially in India, to the acquisition of extensive political power. A few are still maintained in India and western Africa, most of them by the French, in a modified form and sometimes under other designations.
  2. (n) factory
    A body of factors; the association of persons in a factorial establishment.
  3. (n) factory
    The employment or authority of a factor; power to act as a factor.
  4. (n) factory
    A building or group of buildings appropriated to the manufacture of goods, including the machinery necessary to produce the goods, and the engine or other power by which such machinery is propelled; the place where workers are employed in fabricating goods, wares, or utensils: as, a cotton factory. The general distinction between a factory and a shop is that the work done in the former is on a larger scale, and usually of a kind requiring more machinery. When the more simple kinds of work commonly done in shops, however, are carried on in large establishments, the latter are often called factories; but establishments for some branches of production are seldom or never so called, however large, as machine-shops, car-shops, coopers' shops, etc. Also called manufactory.
  5. (n) factory
    Manufacture; making.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
In 1845, inventor Thomas Adams started the world's first chewing gum factory.
  1. Factory
    a manufactory: a trading settlement in a distant country
In our factory, we make lipstick. In our advertising, we sell hope.
Charles Revson
Thomas H. Huxley
The medieval university looked backwards; it professed to be a storehouse of old knowledge. The modern university looks forward, and is a factory of new knowledge.
Thomas H. Huxley
Albert Shanker
We've got a lemon factory and we're turning out 80-85 percent lemons.
Albert Shanker
You've got to create a dream. You've got to uphold the dream. If you can't, go back to the factory or go back to the desk.
Eric Burdon
W. H. Auden
One cannot walk through an assembly factory and not feel that one is in Hell.
W. H. Auden
In the factory we make cosmetics; in the store we sell hope.
Charles Revson

On the factory floor - On the factory floor means the place where things are actually produced.


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Cf. F. factorerie,

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L.,—facĕre.

Usage in the news

Emily Zoladz The old factory that once produced woodworking machines for Oliver Machinery Co. Now, Oliver Rods, an offshoot of the original company, makes parts for racing engines.

Here's the thing about contemporary rapid prototyping tools — while they're rapid compared to sending your designs off to a factory, they still aren't all that rapid.

JCB opens $100 million factory in Brazil.

Japanese robots are advancing out of the factory and into the home.

One of the weapons used when attacking the beef industry is the term "factory farming," used to paint a picture of animal suffering, excessive antibiotic and hormone use, food safety concerns and environmental damage.

Comedian Ian Edwards headlines the Laugh Factory at the Tropicana through Sunday.

These brackets were labeled for driver and passenger side and for the specific model and year and have as much travel front to back as the factory brackets.

President Barack Obama takes his election-year economic message to the Midwestern heartland on Wednesday, touring a Wisconsin padlock factory and stressing the potential of "insourcing" jobs back to the United States from overseas.

The next step was to remove the factory steering coupler that will later be replaced by a Heim joint that Bulletproof included in the lift kit.

If we're the future, why do 'factory schools' crank out robots.

"It's a comedy factory," says Harold Ramis, a former cast member turned director-writer-actor-producer.

Brian Finstad sought retraining after being laid off from his factory job, only to find himself back where he started.

(Photo courtesy Silver Sands Factory Stores).

The Silver Sands Factory Stores will get another big addition on April 20, when Columbia Sportswear is scheduled to open its doors.

Factory cut-away model good for teaching or display.

Usage in scientific papers

The factory authorizes the request and, on success, creates dynamic session service and a local protection environment corresponding to it.
Fine-Grained Authorization for Job Execution in the Grid: Design and Implementation

As is well known, such a factorial growth of the number of diagrams signals a breakdown of the perturbation theory.
Perturbing General Uncorrelated Networks

We note that the natural continuation of factorials to noninteger values is via the Gamma function , viz. n! = Γ(n + 1).
Diagonalization of replicated transfer matrices for disordered Ising spin systems

We are left only with the case ℓ = 0, for which the above factorial terms would be equal to one.
Diagonalization of replicated transfer matrices for disordered Ising spin systems

Note that in the definition of cps-factorial, there is not a single place left where a value is returned; furthermore, execution order is totally specified now.
A novel approach to symbolic algebra

Usage in literature

A girl's first impression of a factory is likely to be that it is a busy place. "The Canadian Girl at Work" by Marjory MacMurchy

All the factory fires were low, and the air was no longer smoke-sodden. "The Day of Judgment" by Joseph Hocking

Every important centre has its own co-operative butter, cheese or bacon factory. "Australia The Dairy Country" by Australia Department of External Affairs

On October 25, 1916, we took over from a brigade of the 1st Division at the ruined sugar factory at Bazentin-le-Grand. "Q.6.a and Other places" by Francis Buckley

Towle's new shoe factory at Northwood, N. H. New shoe factory at Natick, Mass. "The Arena" by Various

The factory for tapestries seems, then, little like a factory. "The Tapestry Book" by Helen Churchill Candee

I had received most of my education in the factories and stores down-town, which was perhaps beneficial to everybody but me. "An Anarchist Woman" by Hutchins Hapgood

Orville Wright is trying to make a do of his factory. "The Sequel" by George A. Taylor

The town has tanneries, and cheese and butter factories. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2" by Various

There are indigo factories and two coal-mines. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3" by Various

Usage in poetry
Hark to the song of the shuttle and loom,
Keep up your commerce or crawl to your tomb
Study new methods and open new lines,
Quicken your factories, foundries and mines,
Have mercy upon us!
A bitter time has come
to the banks of sweet rivers,
two years the factories have stood empty
and children learn the language of hunger
at their mothers’ knees.
I've been at Philadelfy's show
An' other similar fusses,
An' seen a mighty sight of stone,
Minarveys and Venusses;
An' Sikeys clad in flowers an' wings,
But not much show of factory things.
The factory wheels—too oft the wheels of life—
Stand still; and pining wants and woes are rife;
On the cold hearth, and by the naked bed,
Gaunt misery cowering sits—half-warmed, half-fed.
And some such there be in all stations and ranks
For whom their glad husbands give Providence and thanks,—
The Queen of three kingdoms and factory-Jane
Make Edens of Windsor and Lilliput Lane!
It's the weather within, Karl. Repair to the factory, and sun yourself in the bright
eyes of Sophia Mansfield! That will warm you, especially if Count Laniska happens to
be by to stir up the fire of your jealousy--eh?