expel from one's property or force to move out by a legal process "The landlord evicted the tenants after they had not paid the rent for four months" -
expel or eject without recourse to legal process "The landlord wanted to evict the tenants so he banged on the pipes every morning at 3 a.m."
(Law) To dispossess by a judicial process; to dispossess by paramount right or claim of such right; to eject; to oust. "The law of England would speedily evict them out of their possession." -
To evince; to prove.
To dispossess by a judicial process or course of legal proceedings; expel from lands or tenements by legal process. -
To wrest or alienate by reason of the hostile assertion of an irresistible title, though without judicial process. See eviction, 2. -
Hence To expel by force; turn out or remove in any compulsory way: as, to evict disturbers from a theater. -
To evince; prove. -
To set aside; displace; annul. -
To force out; compel.
e-vikt′ to dispossess by law: to expel from
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. evictus, p. p. of evincere, to overcome completely, evict. See Evince
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. evictus, pa.p. of evincĕre, to overcome.
Unable to reach a settlement with a woman who made three years of mortgage payments on a property she didn't own, Peoples Neighborhood Bank is filing formal eviction notices against Shelia M Layo. thetimes-tribune.com
Members of a First Nation in northern British Columbia have evicted surveyors working on a natural gas pipeline project from their territory, seized equipment and set up a roadblock against all pipeline activity. innipegfreepress.com
Members of a First Nation in northern British Columbia have evicted surveyors workin. innipegfreepress.com
Members of a First Nation in northern British Columbia have evicted surveyors working on a natural gas pipeline project from their territory and set up a roadblock against all pipeline activity. vancouversun.com
Members of a First Nation in northern British Columbia have evicted surveyors working on a natural gas. vancouversun.com
Selling His House, About To Evict His Ex-Wife. v1011fm.com
Jury Votes to Evict Forty Acres Medical Marijuana Grower's Collective. eastbayexpress.com
Jersey City, Bayonne tenants say landlord using storm damage as excuse to evict . nj.com
SWAT team called in to evict 63-year-old woman from foreclosed home. 700wlw.com
A landlord evicted their tenants after a child's remains were found in the backyard. abclocal.go.com
Tuesday they evicted the couple who rented their home and piled their belongings in the driveway. abclocal.go.com
The Lancias evicted the couple because they're so revolted over what's happened. abclocal.go.com
Man impersonated cop to evict renters. sun-sentinel.com
Call the clinic before you evict an unwanted house guest. naplesnews.com
New owner of the Portage Theater moves to evict current operators. bez.org
Thus, once a phase starts, the file must be present in the cache and the earliest this file can be evicted from the cache is at the next time step.
Caching with rental cost and zapping
The cost of renting is λ and cost of buying is the cost of eviction, which is cost(f ).
Caching with rental cost and zapping
The total rental cost of ALG∞ is same as the total rental cost of ALGSR and the total eviction cost of ALG∞ is equal to the total cost of buying for ALGSR .
Caching with rental cost and zapping
For each eviction, we charge the cost of eviction for RentalCachingMeta to the algorithm that evicted the file, breaking ties arbitrarily.
Caching with rental cost and zapping
So, it pays 1 k eviction cost and kλ rental cost at each step.
Caching with rental cost and zapping
But not all evictions were due to this cause alone. "The Enclosures in England" by
When he awoke, he found that the mother badger had gone to join her evicted mate. "Creatures of the Night" by
He evicted his tenants and made large grass farms. "The Red Hand of Ulster" by
Some way, somehow, he must manage to evict these women. "The Crimson Tide" by
In 1822 he was evicted for arrears of rent, and in 1825 the unlucky venture came to an end. "Shelley, Godwin and Their Circle" by
Human beings had been evicted: sheep had become the 'devourers of men. "The Red River Colony" by
You wanted me to evict her. "Kildares of Storm" by
How soon, Ben, do you suppose they will evict us? "The Romance of a Plain Man" by
Then he took the seat which his evicted nephew had vacated, and bent over Carmen. "Carmen Ariza" by
And no rent had as yet come in, although various tenants had been necessarily evicted. "The Landleaguers" by
You gonna cut off my heat?
You gonna take my furniture and
Throw it in the street?
An hour draws near when my day too will die;
Already I forecast unheaving breath,
Eviction on the moorland of yon sky.