quiet and inactive restfulness -
a state of quiet (but possibly temporary) inaction "the volcano erupted after centuries of dormancy"
The state of being dormant; quiescence; abeyance. "It is by lying dormant a long time, or being . . . very rarely exercised, that arbitrary power steals upon a people."
The state of being dormant; quiescence.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary From Dormant
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr. dormir—L. dormīre, to sleep.
How Heterogeneous Cell Populations, Cancer Cell Dormancy, and Minimal Residual Disease Influence the Natural History of Cancers.
The often long period between primary tumour resection and relapse in breast cancer suggests a period of dormancy during which there is growth restriction of micrometastases.
( Daffodils live forever, unless the bulbs sit in waterlogged soil during summer dormancy.).
After years of dormancy , is activist group still relevant.
Cream / Moving Pictures The Lonely H Seeks a Cure for 'Chronic Album Dormancy ' With Kickstarter Campaign.
Retro-rocking locals The Lonely H are at risk of succumbing to Chronic Album Dormancy , or CAD.
Chronic Album Dormancy is, of course, "a widespread epidemic contained solely within".
If the ground continues its parched state into winter dormancy , it will have much catching up to do come spring.
Branham cautioned that it is important not to water so much that it brings the turf out of dormancy .
"The good news is that turf grasses have an excellent dormancy mechanism that allows them to tolerate most droughts," Branham said.
On native pastures, forage quality declines during the early fall months as grasses go into dormancy .
Gopher tortoise s are emerging from winter dormancy and moving slowly through the Gasparilla Island and Southwest Florida landscape in search of greenery to eat and a new place to dig its burrow.
The " Winter Survival, Fall Dormancy & Pest Resistance Ratings for Alfalfa Varieties " latest edition is now available online.
Major breeding companies have submitted pure alfalfa varieties, listed by fall dormancy, to aid growers as they make their buying decisions.
Lawns all across the county lay dormant well into April, waiting for the right conditions to break dormancy and begin to grow.
Finally the last session was devoted to the study of masers in SNRs, a field that, after a period of dormancy, is enjoying a great resurgence nowadays.
Supernova Remnants, Pulsars and the Interstellar Medium - Summary of a Workshop Held at U Sydney, March 1999
Next, given the dormancy condition, the Cartier isomorphism (see [6, Thm. 5.1]) gives us an F on C (p) with determinant L, such that (E , ∇) = (F ∗F , ∇can ).
Mochizuki's crys-stable bundles: a lexicon and applications
That is a sign of the absence, or at least of the dormancy, of the Comic idea. "An Essay on Comedy And the Uses of the Comic Spirit" by
That is a sign of the absence, or at least of the dormancy, of the Comic idea. "The Short Works of George Meredith" by
A man of his standing in society could not long remain in single dormancy; he was therefore besieged by many of the fair sex. "Skookum Chuck Fables" by
Thus, at the proper time, the milk-glands of a mammalian mother are awakened from their dormancy. "The Outline of Science, Vol. 1 (of 4)" by
The apparent dormancy of intellectual life in India had been only a temporary phase. "Sir Jagadis Chunder Bose" by
C. for five to six months have their dormancy broken and remain viable for at least three months thereafter. "Northern Nut Growers Association Thirty-Fourth Annual Report 1943" by
A distinction of great importance from a physiological and a practical point of view is made between rest and dormancy in plants. "Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting" by
Aestivation: applied to summer dormancy. "Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology" by
Their present condition is one of dormancy. "The Pearl of India" by
It has now to be shewn that the germs of disease also retain their vital powers in a state of dormancy during a lengthened period. "Epidemics Examined and Explained: or, Living Germs Proved by Analogy to be a Source of Disease" by