person who makes a gift of property -
(medicine) someone who gives blood or tissue or an organ to be used in another person (the host)
One who gives or bestows; one who confers anything gratuitously; a benefactor. Inverse of recipient. -
(Law) One who grants an estate; in later use, one who confers a power; -- the opposite of donee. "Touching, the parties unto deeds and charters, we are to consider as well the donors and granters as the donees or grantees."
One who gives or bestows; one who confers anything gratuitously; a benefactor. -
Specifically, in law: A giver. -
One who creates an estate tail. -
One who gives to another a power. See power.
a giver: a benefactor
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F. donneur, OF. daneor, fr. donner,. See Donee, and cf. Donator
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr.,—L. donāre, -ātum—donum, a gift—dăre, to give.
Nervous Dems say donors had better get going .
His campaign for re-election sent out a letter stating that for a minimum donation of $5 the donor might get lucky and have lunch with the Big BO.
Donors need to know how much of their contribution actually reaches the charity.
In an unusual case of a transplanted organ causing disease, two patients developed melanoma from their new kidneys even though the donor had been successfully treated for the cancer many years earlier, Scottish doctors reported yesterday.
During this past Christmas season when the holiday seemed so bleak for so many, support from our faithful donors made a difference in bringing joy and hope to those in need.
Museum donors receive a glittering 'merci'.
How to Strengthen the Donor- Grantee Relationship: A Roadmap to Collaboration.
When gas prices soared under former President Bush, a former Texas oilman, bloggers and pundits suggested that he was in the pocket of his Big Oil donors.
Since taking over as Illinois basketball coach, John Groce has done community service at a handful of middle schools, visited a children's hospital, had multiple breakfasts with donors, and spoken to groups of boosters over dinner.
A group of Republican-leaning Navy SEALs is battling with movie mogul and Democratic donor Harvey Weinstein for voters' attention Nov 4, just two days before Election Day.
Sliwa's a parent & Guardian to secret donor kids with fmr.
Nervous Dems say donors had better get going.
A 19-year-old woman accused of swindling donors hoping to give to victims of the Aurora theater shooting is facing a misdemeanor theft charge.
The charity tells donors that money can pay to teach a family how to use the animals to sustain themselves, produce income, and breed livestock to give away to other families.
Donors help 'free' Helmsman , University of Memphis campus newspaper.
Of the five orbital periods now known for globular cluster sources, only one has a period in the range compatible with a main-sequence donor, viz. the source in NGC 6441 with a period of about 5.7 h (Sansom et al. 1993).
X-ray sources in globular clusters
The prevalence of ultra-short period systems, and thus presumably of white-dwarf donors among the globular cluster X-ray sources underscores the difference in formation mechanism of globular cluster X-ray sources and of low-mass X-ray binaries in the galactic disk.
X-ray sources in globular clusters
HMXBs are accreting binaries where the donor is an O or B-type star, and are in general less numerous than LMXBs.
Optical Counterparts of X-Ray Point Sources Observed by CHANDRA in NGC5128: 20 New Globular Cluster X-Ray Sources
The brightest X-ray sources with luminosities exceeding 1037 erg sec−1 are LMXBs containing a donor with M < 1M⊙ and an accretor neutron star.
Optical Counterparts of X-Ray Point Sources Observed by CHANDRA in NGC5128: 20 New Globular Cluster X-Ray Sources
In addition, X-ray emission from some symbiotics has been interpreted as due to shock-heated colliding winds from the white dwarf and the mass-donor red giant star (M¨urset et al. 1997).
A radio jet in the prototypical symbiotic star Z And?
Perhaps the cleric and the layman worked on the cope may have been the donors. "Needlework As Art" by
We moight do that same did we not know the donor! "Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 98, April 5, 1890" by
In the left aisle were five different designs given by as many donors. "The Shores of the Adriatic" by
Would the strange donor reclaim the gift, knowing it was gold? "The Missourian" by
He was also a generous patron, for his name appears as a donor of $100. "History of Farming in Ontario" by
Some of these buildings are due to the generosity of individual donors; others represent combined parochial effort. "A History of the English Church in New Zealand" by
Paddy gave his "all," with a generosity that might have shamed many a richer donor. "Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 8, January, 1851" by
The mackerel were deposited in their proper place, and the donor was kindly bidden to come in and sit down. "The Life of Nancy" by
Sir Mark, regarding her curiously from the background, wonders whether she is thinking of them or of their donor. "Portia" by
These chapels are built in all possible styles and in all degrees of splendour and magnificence, according to the generosity of the donor. "The Cathedrals of Northern Spain" by
And drank from the golden bowl,
They might remember the donor,
And breathe a prayer for his soul.
Be to the Donor of each blessing given,
To him be honour, pow'r, and homage, shown,
Who kindly hears us from the highest heaven!
Are fix'd on thee, whence all their blessings flow,
And earnestly expect, O Lord! their food
From thee, the Donor of each gift that's good.
As unto a hospice by Providence led,
Does often a thought like a sunbeam intrude
Of the bounty so free, and the donors so good?
And lower still we read
In characters, now half effaced,
The motive for his deed;--
"Onesimus this altar reared
To One he gratefully revered."
That all those mercies from thy goodness flow —
From thee, the Donor of our daily food! —
From thee, the source of light, and all that's good!