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Fine Dictionary


  1. (n) crus
    the leg from the knee to foot
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Crus
    (Anat) That part of the hind limb between the femur, or thigh, and the ankle, or tarsus; the shank.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) crus
    In anatomy and zoology: The lower leg; the part of the hind limb between the knee and the ankle; the second segment of the hind limb, corresponding to the forearm or antebrachium of the fore limb, represented by the length of the tibia or shinbone.
  2. (n) crus
    Some part likened to a leg, as one of a pair of supporting parts; a pillar; a peduncle.
  3. (n) crus
    plural The calcareous brachial supports in the Brachiopoda, as in Pentamerus and Rhynchonella, where they are a pair of short discrete, slightly curved lamellæ. Also called crural plates.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L., the leg

Usage in the news

Institutional investors purchased a net $2.8 million shares of CRUS during the quarter ended September 2012 and now own 83.56% of the total shares outstanding.

Gladys Crus of Questar Three.

Gladys Crus is the Deputy Superintendent at Questar Three and she joined us to explain new Common Core Learning Standards as well as what these new standards mean for your children.

Tuesday is now Crus -day at Cru.

Usage in scientific papers

The Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics at the University of Bern is supported by the “Innovations- und Kooperationspro jekt C-13” of the “Schweizerische Universit¨atskonferenz SUK/CRUS”.
Review of lattice results concerning low energy particle physics

Usage in literature

Native companions ('Crus Australalasinus') and the more rare jabiru ('Myeteria Australis') were very numerous on it. "The Overland Expedition of The Messrs. Jardine" by Frank Jardine and Alexander Jardine

Another moment and Lentulus Crus entered the darkened hall. "A Friend of Caesar" by William Stearns Davis

L. Cornelius Lentulus Crus, consul B.C. "The Letters of Cicero, Volume 1" by Marcus Tullius Cicero

Crus: a leg or leg-like structure. "Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology" by John. B. Smith

Je crus m'apercevoir en effet qu'il inclinait aux opinions singulieres. "Suspended Judgments" by John Cowper Powys

The optic tract, which crosses the crus, may also be affected, and hemianopia result. "Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities--Head--Neck. Sixth Edition." by Alexander Miles

The tendon of insertion is formed approximately one-half the way down the crus. "Myology and Serology of the Avian Family Fringillidae" by William B. Stallcup

From this reception area the transverse fibres of the pons originate and enter the crus. "Degeneracy" by Eugene S. Talbot

A prominent muscular process occurs on the posterior crus. "Speciation and Evolution of the Pygmy Mice, Genus Baiomys" by Robert L. Packard