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Fine Dictionary


  1. (v) crosscut
    cut using a diagonal line
  2. (n) crosscut
    a route shorter than the usual one
  3. (n) crosscut
    a diagonal path
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Crosscut
    (Mining) A level driven across the course of a vein, or across the main workings, as from one gangway to another.
  2. Crosscut
    A short cut across; a path shorter than by the high road.
  3. Crosscut
    To cut across or through; to intersect.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. crosscut
    To cut across.
  2. (n) crosscut
    A direct course from one point to another, crosswise or diagonal to another or the usual one; a shortened road or path.
  3. (n) crosscut
    In mining: A level driven across the “country,” or so as to connect two levels with each other.
  4. (n) crosscut
    A trench or opening in the surface-detritus or -soil, at right angles to the supposed course of the lode, made for the purpose of ascertaining the exact position and nature of the latter.
  5. crosscut
    Adapted or used for cutting anything crosswise: as, a cross-cut saw or chisel.
  6. crosscut
    Cut across the grain or on the bias: as, cross-cut crape.
  7. crosscut
    To cross-plow, as in fallowing.
  8. (n) crosscut
    In mathematics, a line, regarded as a section actually made in the surface, which begins at one point of a boundary, goes into the interior of the surface, and, without anywhere intersecting either another boundary-line or itself, ends at a point of the boundary. A cross-cut may connect two points on the same boundary-line, or two on different boundary-lines; or it may end where it began; or it may end in a point of its previous course. Also cross-line.
Usage in the news

Crosscut's Eric Scigliano details Clear Channel's failed attempts to win digital billboard approval in King County, Washington state.

I built the "Ultimate Crosscut Sled" featured in AW #75 (October 1999).

Online news site Crosscut poised to switch to nonprofit.

The GOP's Chris Vance on Crosscut.

New publisher/CEO at Crosscut .

Crosscut 's Eric Scigliano details Clear Channel's failed attempts to win digital billboard approval in King County, Washington state.

The GOP's Chris Vance on Crosscut .

) crosscut veal shanks, tied with butcher's twine.

It cuts metal easily, providing dentists with maximum benefits because of its extra-aggressive crosscut toothing, and its large chip spaces allow quick chip removal and prevent clogging.

A crosscut combination of jogs and sprints up the length of a 100-by-70 meter playing field.

It can make rip cuts, crosscuts, notches, bevels, and miters in almost any size or type of material, but it generally can't promise a high degree of accuracy or repeatability.

Braun also was responsible for the formulation and initial implementation of NASA's Space Technology Program, which develops crosscutting ...

Crosscutting reduces a big board to more manageable sizes, so I can mill more accurately.

The University of Washington will shut down its 61-year-old Husky Union for a two-year renovation this summer, reports the Crosscut student paper.

When I crosscut hardwood plywood, I use an old technique to minimize tear-out on the bottom face.

Usage in scientific papers

Rodriguez, L.; Tanter, E.; Noye, J. "Supporting dynamic crosscutting with partial behavioral reflection: a case study," Computer Science Society, 2004.
Comparative Studies of 10 Programming Languages within 10 Diverse Criteria - a Team 10 COMP6411-S10 Term Report

Fig. 2: A cluster of a crosscut symmetric simple monotone n-Venn diagram (cylindrical representation).
A New Rose : The First Simple Symmetric 11-Venn Diagram

Let π and σ be the curve vectors along the rays as we move the rays in opposite directions towards the crosscut.
A New Rose : The First Simple Symmetric 11-Venn Diagram

We prove by induction that as long as the two rays do not intersect the crosscut, at each moment σ is a cyclic shift of π one element to right; therefore if π(i) and π(i + 1) intersect on the left side, then σ(i + 1) and σ(i + 2) must also intersect on the right side.
A New Rose : The First Simple Symmetric 11-Venn Diagram

Since π(i) = σ(i + 1) and π(i + 1) = σ(i + 2) the next crossing on the right side of crosscut must occur between σ(i + 1) and σ(i + 2), for otherwise the diagram would not be crosscut symmetric.
A New Rose : The First Simple Symmetric 11-Venn Diagram

Usage in literature

I believe we can take a crosscut into his country and so get to his castle a day sooner than if we travel back the way we came. "The Patchwork Girl of Oz" by L. Frank Baum

His lines of crosscutting holes were growing very short. "Moon-Face and Other Stories" by Jack London

Two, swaying backwards and forward with rhythmic precision, dragged a big crosscut-saw through a massive trunk. "The Girl From Keller's" by Harold Bindloss

Reuilly was distant twelve leagues from Campvallon, which could be made shorter by a crosscut. "Monsieur de Camors, Complete" by Octave Feuillet

They dropped their crosscut saw, and stood staring. "The Lure of the Labrador Wild" by Dillon Wallace

We had to cut all our firewood with a two man crosscut saw or a one man crosscut saw about three feet long. "The Biography of a Rabbit" by Roy Benson

The wheelbarrows and the grindstone and the two crosscut saws were another matter. "Naudsonce" by H. Beam Piper

As a matter of fact, the crosscut-saw cuts somewhat on the back stroke. "Handwork in Wood" by William Noyes

We'd got down about sixty feet, all timbered, and was thinking of crosscutting. "The Boy Scouts Book of Campfire Stories" by Various

With vertical shafts, however, crosscuts to the deposit are necessary. "Principles of Mining" by Herbert C. Hoover

Usage in poetry
The teeth of his crosscut so truly are set
That it swings from his elbow at ease;
And the song of the saw—I am hearing it yet—
Has the music of wind in the trees.