One who works with another; a coöperator.
BEDFORD — Eleven "Competitive" Teams and 22 "Participating" teams made up of family members, friends, neighbors and coworkers have formed the 2012 Liv.
When he arrived to relieve his coworker, he heard shots ring out upstairs.
I know people with MBAs from some low prestige schools that have jobs they could have gotten without those degrees, and, in fact, their coworkers lack the MBA .
At Seventeen, we're always snapping pictures of everything -- celebs, events we attend, and funny shots of our coworkers (.
At trial, Macon County prosecutors presented hearsay testimony from Marquis' family, friends and coworkers.
Sexually assaulted by four male coworkers at his work site at Pathfinder Energy in October of 2008, Edmond later filed suit.
Maggie, a coworker from one of Cars 108?s sister stations, didn't disappoint.
When a freak snowstorm hit New England in late October, Chris Roy and his coworkers immediately started tackling the downed trees and electrical wires that knocked out power in 20 percent of the town of Concord.
It's no shock that you might be bummed out when you get stuck in the office long after your coworkers.
Show Your Coworkers Who's Really Wearing the Pants .
Next, they tried to figure out whether people with higher MARTI and a tendency toward paranoid thought acted on their suspicions by, for example, "eavesdropping on a coworker's private phone conversation".
Millions of Americans are expected to take a bold step to return to church based on an invitation from a friend, family member, coworker or neighbor Sunday, Sept 16.
Dorothy Butler is a good friend and a coworker of my mother's who loves desserts, loves baking and loves to share her recipes, like these peanut butter classics.
A reception was held in his honor on Tuesday, June 19, 2012, with many family, friends and coworkers in attendance.
Want to look smart to your friends, family and coworkers.
Chadid and her coworkers (Chadid & Chapellier 2005, and references therein).
Studying Blazhko RR Lyrae stars with the 24-inch telescope of the Konkoly Observatory
Acknowledgements The author is deeply indebted with many colleagues and coworkers who have supported, stimulated or challenged his activity in this field of research.
Quantum nanomagnets and nuclear spins: an overview
As was pointed out by Aleiner and coworkers (Kurland et al. 2000, Aleiner et al. 2002) this result is to be expected, and is just the consequence of the general symmetries of our problem.
Many-Body Physics and Quantum Chaos
Simple arguments concerning nucleation, growth, and coalescence, developed by Comsa and coworkers in connection with metal MBE, show why the maximum intensity in diffraction measurements never again reaches its starting value .
Recent advances in pulsed-laser deposition of complex-oxides
Only if the propagating surface waves would couple to the localized Kittel mode the amplitude of the magnetic precession could be that drastically increased. A reasonable starting point to discuss this idea is to draw parallelities to a model by Slavin and coworkers.
Unusual spin-wave population in nickel after femtosecond laser pulse excitation
Sumner was not a party man and was at no time in complete harmony with his coworkers. "The Anti-Slavery Crusade" by
Pierrot impressed on her that it made a comrade and coworker of her on the trail. "Baree, Son of Kazan" by
He didn't really know his coworkers. "Corpus of a Siam Mosquito" by
Babu Janakdhari Prasad was a staunch coworker with me in Champaran. "Freedom's Battle" by
As Paul puts it, we are coworkers with God, and so must we ever be. "Life and Labors of Elder John Kline, the Martyr Missionary" by
To learn the tackle, give your coworker the ball and let him come toward you. "Swimming Scientifically Taught" by
Not even the most intimate of his coworkers guessed them. "Little Lost Sister" by
Thus informed and instructed, these devoted coworkers, with the beloved founder of the orphan work, met the crisis intelligently. "George Muller of Bristol" by
He becomes a coworker with God. "The Higher Powers of Mind and Spirit" by
Being acquainted with my coworkers, I met them frequently in teachers' gatherings and in conventions of various kinds. "Rural Life and the Rural School" by