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Fine Dictionary


  1. (n) copse
    a dense growth of bushes
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Copse
    A wood of small growth; a thicket of brushwood. See Coppice. "Near yonder copse where once the garden smiled."
  2. Copse
    To plant and preserve, as a copse.
  3. Copse
    To trim or cut; -- said of small trees, brushwood, tufts of grass, etc.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) copse
    See coppice.
  2. copse
    To cut or trim, as brushwood, tufts of grass, and the like.
  3. copse
    To plant or preserve, as underwoods.
  4. copse
    To inclose as in a copse.
  5. copse
    To form a coppice; grow up again from the roots after being cut down, as brushwood.
  6. copse
    Also coppice.
  7. (n) copse
    Same as cops.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Copse
    a wood of small growth for periodical cutting

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Contr. from coppice,

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary O. Fr. copeiz, wood newly cut—Low L. colpāre, to cut—L. colaphus, a blow with the fist.

Usage in the news

Many mushroom hunters dream of finding a copse of golden chanterelles or tasty morels.

Usage in literature

And from the copse-wood already mentioned, they journeyed over a vast and dreary open plain. "The Mabinogion Vol. 2 (of 3)"

Their road lay through a country wild and woody, where crag and copse beautifully intermixed with patches of rich cultivation. "The Young Duke" by Benjamin Disraeli

There are copses, down by the riverside, where you could wait in safety until you were wanted. "No Surrender!" by G. A. Henty

In Scotland, again, glens or copses, often the haunts of wild deer, are green with a thick growth of bracken. "Chatterbox, 1905." by Various

Now he's in the track that cuts through this copse. "Ambrotox and Limping Dick" by Oliver Fleming

Pomona wandered through every orchard beside her beloved Vertumnus; Pan and his sylvan brood sported behind the foliage of every copse. "The Lion's Brood" by Duffield Osborne

The ground was dotted with small copses which the darkness made indistinguishable, and no report of this post's relief was ever made. "The Story of the 2/4th Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry" by G. K. Rose

A. H. Michie with his platoon to seize Kite Copse. "The Sherwood Foresters in the Great War 1914 - 1919" by W.C.C. Weetman

The only spot about the Chace where the wind-anemones grew was in a small detached copse of ash-poles nearly a mile from the great woods. "Round About a Great Estate" by Richard Jefferies

These sticks, of which he had scores, he cut himself, his eye never losing its vigilance as he passed through a copse. "Highways & Byways in Sussex" by E.V. Lucas

Usage in poetry
He skips through the copses singing,
And his shadow dances along,
And I know not which I should follow,
Shadow or song!
Her footsteps knew no idle stops,
But follow'd faster still;
And echo'd to the darksome Copse
That whisper'd on the Hill;
A star-shell holds the sky beyond
Shell-shivered Loos, and drops
In million sparkles on a pond
That lies by Hulluch copse.
The copses shudder in the breeze,
Some dream-known terror fearing.
Awake! O great and little trees!
The Judgment-day is nearing!
No more the copses echo round
With stockdove's moan and woodwren's lay;
To gladden distant shores with sound
They wing their way.
O men! O trees in copses cold!
Beware the rising weather!
Or late or soon, both young and old
Shall strew the ground together....