a steep high face of rock "he stood on a high cliff overlooking the town","a steep drop"
klĭf A high, steep rock; a precipice. -
(Mus) See Clef.
The steep and rugged face of a rocky mass; a steep rock or headland; a precipice. -
A variant of clef. -
The strata of rock above or between the strata of coal. -
Hard chalk.
klif (mus.) Same as Clef. -
klif a high steep rock: the steep side of a mountain
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary AS. clif, cloef,; akin to OS. klif, D. klif, klip, Icel. klif, Dan. & G. klippe, Sw. klippa,; perh. orig. a climbing place,. See Climb
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. clif; Dut. clif; Ice. klif.
Basketball blog Kentucky latest to offer Curie 's Cliff Alexander.
I always promised y'all that when Cliff decided to make an honest woman out of me, I'd let you know.
BOB HALLINEN / Anchorage Daily News A Dall sheep ewe and lamb feed on the cliffs above the Seward Highway along Turnagain Arm on Thursday, November 15, 2012.
Best-of collections are to music what Cliffs Notes are to literature.
Will the 'fiscal cliff' darken the mood in the malls.
Whether Washington can come to terms to avert the fiscal cliff – and tax hikes – is a wild card.
Venezuela's reelection of Hugo Chavez, fiscal cliff and economic strategy.
Have they gone over the cliff.
Growing up, I remember a bakery named Little Cliff's.
Framing it against the background of continued economic difficulties across the country, she called for action to be taken on the immediate crisis in need of bipartisan effort: the so-called fiscal cliff.
House Speaker John Boehner, seen last week, discusses the looming fiscal cliff.
Virtually everyone agrees that allowing the nation to fall off the fiscal cliff would be a bad thing.
Chamber forecasts diverge depending on economy avoiding or going over "fiscal cliff.".
If America goes over the fiscal cliff, it will take more than 41,000 Kansas City area jobs with it, an economic forecast said Friday.
'Fiscal cliff' debate takes toll locally.
Since X is a real curve, we have dim | Pr i=1 Pi + D ′ | = r , so i=1 Pi + ¯D ′ is calculating Cliff (XC ).
Clifford Theorem for real algebraic curves
Proposition 4.9 Let X be a real curve such that X has an infinite Clifford index or Cliff (X ) ≥ s.
Clifford Theorem for real algebraic curves
Assume now Cliff (X ) ≥ s and let D be an effective and special divisor of degree d contributing to the Clifford index of X .
Clifford Theorem for real algebraic curves
Proposition 4.11 Let X be a real curve such that X has a finite Clifford index c = Cliff (X ).
Clifford Theorem for real algebraic curves
Suppose there are three spatially separate users Alice, Bob and Cliff.
Quantum Information Processing Without Joint Measurement
Eli Fraddam, who seemed to know everything, took me to it by the upper way; by that I mean the way of the cliff. "The Birthright" by
The glacier filled the whole ravine from cliff to cliff. "The Plant Hunters" by
From the bottom of the winding path which they had to climb it seemed to hang almost sheer over the cliff side. "The New Tenant" by
You can go down the cliff, and ask our commander's name from yon sleepy Orson; his tongue goes fast enough at all seasons. "The Buccaneer" by
On the cliffs she paused to look about her. "The Beth Book" by
Up, up rose the slope, cliff on cliff and the imperial white dome beyond! "The Great Sioux Trail" by
Somehow, the dignity of the massive curving cliffs soothed him, heartened him anew. "Heart of the Blue Ridge" by
Suddenly Pronto shied violently, tried to bolt up the cliff, scrambling goatwise for twenty feet to stand shivering and snorting. "Rimrock Trail" by
I know all mamma's friends, and I am positive not one of them ever lived at Cliffe-on-Sea. "Our Bessie" by
When the two boys awoke it was morning, but only a faint light reached them in their sleeping place under the cliff. "Dave Porter in the Far North" by
and the fields
Full of faint light
but golden,
Gray cliffs,
and beneath them
The grand and the gray,
They took the bright creature
And hurled it away!
Stop crazy flood!
The frightened clouds go fast,
Sun sets in blood!
I muse the summer evening by,
And realize the woes of life,
I contemplate Eternity.
Just after Dover cliff,
I spy, vat I have never see,
One charmant piece rost bif.
That pit the sand with pox;
Denuding cliffs of powder dust,
Exposing scar-faced rocks