annual having the stem beset with curved prickles; North America and Europe and Asia
A plant, Galium Aparine, also called goose-grass, used to some extent in medicine as a diuretic and sudorific. It has a square jointed stem, with short reflexed prickles on the angles, and eight narrow leaves at each joint. Also rarely in singular, cleaver, cliver. -
Tufts of grass. -
[In form clivers.] The refuse of wheat. -
Any plant of the genus Galium, such as bedstraw, goose-grass, etc., the numerous species being distinguished by appropriate qualifying names. Of native American species, G. circæzans is called cross-cleavers from the cross-like arrangement of the four leaves of the whorls. The dyer's-cleavers is G. tinctorium, also called wild madder.
goose-grass—Galium aperine, diuretic and sudorific
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary From Cleave to stick
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. cleófan; cog. with Ger. klieben.
It was Cleaver 's first.
Cleaver chairs the Congressional Black Caucus.
I disagree with Emanuel Cleaver 's approach of nickel-and-diming seniors to death by raising co-pays and denying COLA increases.
In conjunction with the Make a Wish Foundation, Mesa, Arizona's Abbi Cleaver , a high school cheer captain, who is in remission from her year long battle with bone cancer, had her wish of "flying high" with the U.H.
Sale Of Cleaver 's Car Wash Not Yet Finalized.
Letter to Representative Cleaver Supporting his EASY Voting Act.
AP Photo Barbara Billingsley poses in 1986 next to a portrait of her television family, Hugh Beaumont, Tony Dow, Jerry Mathers and herself as the Cleaver family from "Leave It To Beaver".
Mother's Day: From June Cleaver to Gloria Pritchett, 5 great TV moms.
Dick Durbin, John Kasich, William Lori, Anne Graham Lotz, Emmanuel Cleaver , Raul Labrador, Jon Meacham.
Levee group to meet with Congressman Cleaver .
The " Outsight Radio " podcast has a new episode titled "Feb 14 Chuck Cleaver Interview".
This episode features a lot of the Chuck Cleaver projects Wussy and Ass Ponys – Cleaver is our featured artist and interview guest.
South Dakota Man Sentenced For Meat Cleaver Attack.
Google Maps Two police officers shot and killed a man who was wielding a meat cleaver on Otis Avenue in Tuckerton.
Armstrong International, Cleaver -Brooks Join Forces for Steam Training.
The tool used to cut the fiber precisely was made out of a fiber cleaver (Fujitsu) and a micro-translation stage.
Long-distance Bell-type tests using energy-time entangled photons
The first article turned out in the way of tools was a bolo, a heavy cleaver-like blade, used by many primitive tribes. "The Wonder Island Boys: The Mysteries of the Caverns" by
Heavens, Steve, that cleaver of yours is a frightful thing in action! "Spacehounds of IPC" by
I think it very lucky for Cleaver, that this man died before Lord North. "Memoirs of the Courts and Cabinets of George the Third" by
Corporal, lend me the cleaver. "Snarley-yow" by
Camp Muir, on Cowlitz Cleaver. "The Mountain that was 'God'" by
In something less than the two hours I had allowed for the passage, the procession of boats reached Cleaver Island. "Breaking Away" by
His two best jugs were placed on the ledge; his cleaver was hung at his belt. "As It Was in the Beginning" by
As the butcher's cleaver passes through the bone, so did the bow of the Yankee destroyer go through the Hun. "Dave Darrin After The Mine Layers" by
One day, in the kitchen she came upon a newly sharpened cleaver, its edge invisibly thin and its broad, flat side gleaming in the sun. "The Best Short Stories of 1919" by
The cleaver and axe are our arms; our life is in the slaughter house: Hurrah for the slaughter house! "The Continental Monthly, Vol 6, No 5, November 1864" by
And gilded stick, "God and my right,"
Like summer posy painted gay,
To show his high authority.