act as a caddie and carry clubs for a player -
a can for storing tea
(Computers) a container to hold a compact disk, used in some types of compact disk devices, which is inserted into the CD player during playing, or in the case of recordable CD-ROMS, during recording. It is approximately square and thin, slightly larger than the compact disk. However, many CD players have a drawer for the compact disk, requiring no caddy. -
a container to hold objects when not in use. -
A small box, can, or chest to keep tea in, also called tea caddy.
Same as caddie. -
Same as caddis. -
A ghost; a bugbear. -
Originally, a box containing a catty of tea for exportation; hence, any small package of tea less than a chest or half-chest. -
A box for keeping tea when in use. Tea-caddies contain commonly one, two, or more canisters made of metal. -
Hence Any jar or canister for holding tea. -
A tin can with a lid, for holding water, etc. -
In the tobacco trade, a box 6 to 8 inches square, holding from 10 to 20 pounds.
kad′i a small box for holding tea.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Earlier spelt catty, fr. Malay katī, a weight of 11/3 pounds. Cf. Catty
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Malay kati, the weight of the small packets in which tea is made up.
Sprayer Caddy mounts easy, holds tight.
Caddy's big sky concept is pretty, powerful—and possible.
Crystal and Segways and bubbly and Caddies.
We're not sure what's more bling-a-licious, the fact this Caddy has twenty-six-inch rims or the fact that they're painted smurf blue.
Green River Fishing Report for October 25th, 2012Flows: Steady at 800Hatches: Small BWO's in fair numbers, a few October Caddis out.
Greg Norman defended caddie Steve Williams over his racial slur about Tiger Woods and does not believe Williams is racist.
Perhaps Sergio Garcia has found something in this caddie-by-week thing.
Caddies and players are one in many ways, so the players bear the responsibility of course.
Before his caddy picked up the ball, he must announce its unplayable ball.
After the war, Chrysler needed to remain competitive with the new Caddy and Olds overhead-valve V8s, so it began developing brand-new motors.
It's the Queen of Pop in a Caddy, flanked by fans and hot shirtless dudes.
Upon noticing the scruffy beard and earring worn by his caddy: "You can rebel when you're young, but when you grow up, you've got to fit in".
Simpson finds kindred spirit in caddie.
Spencer Levin , right, hands his belly putter to caddy Mike Hicks while tuning up in June for the US Open.
GM's 4.5- liter Duramax Engine for Caddy Could Deliver Performance and Economy.
But the Caddy-Master knew that he had died of a Broken Heart. "Ade's Fables" by
I often do that myself, so the caddies can't sell me my own balls. "Torchy As A Pa" by
But then there was the little brittle caddy-spoon. "Mother Carey's Chicken" by
It put us in mind of the caddis worms which we had seen in ponds in England. "On the Banks of the Amazon" by
That's what I've liked about ye, Caddie. "Country Neighbors" by
Hurry up and see, Caddy. "Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1907 to 1908" by
I will go and boil the kettle, and make the tea; please give me the keys of the caddy. "Bristol Bells" by
Once an old gentleman who had taken up golf late in life said that his caddy had taught him a great lesson. "The Canadian Girl at Work" by
At last one day he found a caddis, and wanted it to peep out of its house: but its house-door was shut. "The Water-Babies" by
On it stood a tea-caddy of mahogany, a knife-box, and several silver boxes. "Polly's Business Venture" by
Nor Charlie is a caddie;
But Charlie has twa bonnie red cheeks,
And he's my juggler laddie.
And out of a Chinese caddy
He'd bring three rabbits, two bucks and a doe
And he'd ask them to find the lady.
The fugitive colors die.
Caddis worms drowse in their silk cases,
The lamp-headed nymphs are nodding to sleep like statues.
But you'll soon know his trade by his caddy
And you can't judge a woman by what she's got on
It's what she takes off proves a lady.
Non han confine, e, novello Epulone,
In questo inferno, ove innocente caddi,
Io mille volte vo' morir di sete
Pria di volgermi a te pietosamente
Mendicando una gocciola!