single-stranded DNA that is complementary to messenger RNA or DNA that has been synthesized from messenger RNA by reverse transcriptase
Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) detected in the human genome by means of a cDNA clone of phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) segregate concordantly with phenylketonuria (PKU) in several families.
Expression levels in terms of florescent intensity ratios of a tumor sample to a common reference sample, are measured for 3226 genes using cDNA microarrays.
On a generalized false discovery rate
Statistical methods foridentifying differentially expressed genes in replicated cDNA microarray experiments.
Bayesian posterior probabilities: revisited
Woo, Y., Affourtit, J., Daigle, S., Viale, A., Johnson, K., Naggert, J., and Churchill, G. (2004), “A comparison of cDNA, oligonucleotide, and Affymetrix GeneChip gene expression microarray platforms,” J Biomol Tech, 15, 276–284.
Quality assessment for short oligonucleotide microarray data
Yang, Y., Dudoit, S., Luu, P., Lin, D., Peng, V., Ngai, J., and Speed, T. (2002), “Normalization for cDNA microarray data: a robust composite method addressing single and multiple slide systematic variation,” Nucleic Acids Res, 30, e15.
Quality assessment for short oligonucleotide microarray data
Statistical methods for identifying differentially expressed genes in replicated cDNA microarray experiments.
A statistical framework for the analysis of microarray probe-level data