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Fine Dictionary


Portrait of JC de Brunet, Consul General of Russia, with sash and decorations on his chest.
Portrait of JC de Brunet, Consul General of Russia, with sash and decorations on his chest.
  1. (adj) brunet
    marked by dark or relatively dark pigmentation of hair or skin or eyes "a brunette beauty"
  2. (n) brunet
    a person with dark (brown) hair
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. brunet
    A girl or woman with a somewhat brown or dark complexion.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F. brunet, brunette, brownish, dim. of brun, brune, brown, fr. OHG. brn,. See Brown (a.)

Usage in the news

New Orleans' neighborhood theaters come back to life in new book by local movie icon Rene Brunet .

Meet Pam Brunet , LGS's new executive director.

JEROME BRUNET Black Eyed Peas, Outside Lands Festival, San Francisco, CA.

In sponsorship with Hahnemühle FineArt, Jerome Brunet 's photography will be featured at the German paper manufacturer's booth at PDN Photo Plus Expo.

Articles by Elizabeth Brunet .

Elizabeth Brunet is an Application Specialist at IRphotonics.

Martha (Jane) Marshall Brunet , 90, passed away peacefully in her sleep on March 26, 2009, in Winter Park, Fla. Funeral arrangements are with the Baldwin Fairchild Funeral Home in Oviedo.

One of Canada's leading corporate lawyers, with more than 30 years experience in selling, acquiring and financing businesses, Michel Brunet , a partner with Fraser Milner Casgrain, has assumed the role of firm chair.

Consul General Jean-Claude Brunet is coming to Barksdale Air Force Base to bestow the Legion of Honor upon World War II veteran William Hines.

The location, Brunet says, indicates that the dispersal of the earliest hominids is not localized in a particular region, such as Eastern Africa, as typically thought.

Meet Pam Brunet, LGS's new executive director.

Central New York native Pam Brunet was recently named as Leadership Greater Syracuse'€™s new executive director.

A bag with two of them, either blond or brunet, costs 8 francs, about $1.30.

Brunet (When Pigs Fly) provides brassy, bold visuals for this bumpy adaptation of Braunstein's 1967 folk song, famously performed by Peter, Paul, and Mary.

Tariq Arbyummi, Jalen Tavarez, and Bailey Brunet.

Usage in scientific papers

Brunet, On the relation between onespecies diffusion-limited coalescence and annihilation in one dimension, J.
Statistical Behavior Of Domain Systems

The identification of the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent as a universal scaling limit in those models, and the connection made by Brunet and Derrida to models of population genetics, is a very exciting recent development.
Recent progress in coalescent theory

Finally, we describe some recent outstanding conjectures by Brunet and Derrida [46, 47] which are related to this and to several other sub jects such as random travelling waves and population models with selection, together with ongoing work in this direction.
Recent progress in coalescent theory

Recently, Brunet, Derrida, Mueller and Munier [46, 47] have introduced a particle system of this kind and made fascinating predictions about its genealogy.
Recent progress in coalescent theory

We note that B´erard , and B´erard and Gou´er´e , have recently studied a discrete version of the Brunet and Derrida model (with particles’ locations on Z rather than R, and selection at random in case of a tie), and were able to show that for each N , the system of particles travels at a well-defined speed vN .
Recent progress in coalescent theory

Usage in literature

The grand division of Philosophy includes all which is classified under Arts and Sciences in the system of Brunet. "A Book for All Readers" by Ainsworth Rand Spofford

P. Deschamps and Gustave Brunet in two volumes, 1878 and 1880. "The Book-Hunter at Home" by P. B. M. Allan

I must meet General Brunet, however. "The Hour and the Man" by Harriet Martineau

He passed the flagman, going like a brunet typhoon ten days overdue. "Lady Luck" by Hugh Wiley

Brunet omits the edition of 1713. "Notes and Queries, Number 219, January 7, 1854" by Various

The sole comfort for us is, that Brunet has passed through five editions, and yet remains deplorably imperfect and inaccurate. "The Book-Collector" by William Carew Hazlitt

In twenty-five out of thirty-three of the larger cities were the brunet traits more frequent than in the country. "Introduction to the Science of Sociology" by Robert E. Park

The existence of this edition is doubted by Brunet, according to Vicaire. "Cooking and Dining in Imperial Rome" by Apicius

Supplement par P. Deschamps et G. Brunet. "How to Form a Library, 2nd ed" by H. B. Wheatley

I went over to San Sebastian by tug from Socoa on the 16th of August, and sent up my card to M. de Brunet, the British Vice-Consul. "Romantic Spain" by John Augustus O'Shea