a person who takes a bath -
a person who travels through the water by swimming "he is not a good swimmer"
One who bathes.
One who bathes; one who immerses himself in water. -
One who bathes another. -
To scratch and rub in the dust, as birds do.
Here, "The Large Bathers" by Paul Cézanne is shown.
Think high bather loads and healthy water are incompatible.
Maritime Museum's bottom floor are mementos of a more civilized era: bright chrome shower heads lined up at attention, as if waiting for a rush of bathers from Black Point Cove.
Some of us are shower people, and some are bathers.
Mother's Touch And Deluxe Baby Bather Recalled.
The major concern of aquatics facilities is the health and safety of the bathers.
Giant bather soaks in Hamburg .
'The Bather' soaks in Hamburg .
'Die Badende' ('The Bather'), which is made of styrofoam and steel is a project by artist Oliver Voss and is on display in Hamburg , Germany.
Plastic bather in Hamburg 's lake.
Reclining in the waters of Hamburg 's Binnenalster lake is this German sculpture "Die Badende" (the bather) made from expandable polystyrene (styrofoam) and steel, according to an article on Yahoo news today.
Matisse 's 'Bathers by the River.
That includes noted works such as Matisse's 1919 drawing "The Plumed Hat" and Picasso 's 1939 work "The Bather by the Sea.".
Matisse's 1919 drawing The Plumed Hat and Picasso 's 1939 gouache The Bather by the Sea are two other featured works in the display.
A private hot pool at Saratoga Resort & Spa offers bather Cree Bol soothing warmth with no sulfur odor.
One by one the bathers went away. "The Bright Shawl" by
By this time the shores of Portobello were crowded with habitual bathers. "Tales from "Blackwood," Volume 2" by
These obscure nooks on the seashore, the chosen places of lady bathers, are not always so solitary as is believed. "Toilers of the Sea" by
At the other end a crossbar offered the bather a seat. "The Bonadventure" by
Not until it was quite dark did the badly stung bathers dare to return for their clothes. "Sube Cane" by
Marc-Antonio engraved in 1510 the celebrated episode of the bathers, using for a background a landscape of Lucas van Leyden. "Michelangelo" by
The total number of bathers in the Serpentine were 20,000 persons. "The Night Side of London" by
The costumes of the bathers are so pretty that the scene seems like a ball in the sea. "Zigzag Journeys in Europe" by
She battled against the waves till she neared the protective raft in deep water where timorous bathers never ventured. "Love's Usuries" by
I never tired watching the little bathers on the beach. "A-Birding on a Bronco" by
The bathers lounge and throng,
And out in the bay a bugle
Is lilting a gallant song.
A crowd of sunburnt bathers dive
With yells into the pond, and head
For this elusive netlike sky.
the bathers left. The last car's gone.
Sun's final rays reflect upon
the streaking rain, the rambling dock.
And the climate is salubrious, and very warm the air;
And every convenience is within the bathers' reach,
Besides, there's very beautiful walks by the sea beach.
Full conduits streaming, where fair bathers lie,
With sunsets splendid, when the strong day, ended,
Melts into peace, like a tired lover's sigh--
So cometh summer nigh.