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Fine Dictionary


  1. (adj) barmy
    informal or slang terms for mentally irregular "it used to drive my husband balmy"
  2. (adj) barmy
    marked by spirited enjoyment
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Barmy
    Full of barm or froth; in a ferment. "Barmy beer."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. barmy
    Containing or resembling barm or yeast; frothy.
  2. barmy
    Hence Barmy-brained; empty-headed.
Usage in the news

Ballast Point, Barmy Apricot Honey Ale .

Usage in scientific papers

In a simulation study, the power of the proposed test is found to improve substantially upon that of a competing test due to El Barmi and Mukerjee.
Empirical likelihood-based tests for stochastic ordering

For more than two populations, Wang discussed the LRT in the multinomial case; El Barmi and Johnson showed that the limiting distribution of his test statistic is of chi-bar square type and gave the expression of the weighting values.
Empirical likelihood-based tests for stochastic ordering

Also in the k -sample case (k ≥ 2), El Barmi and Mukerjee provided an asymptotically distribution-free test based on the sequential testing procedure originally introduced by Hogg .
Empirical likelihood-based tests for stochastic ordering

El Barmi and Mukerjee , which is the only previous test to have been developed for ordered alternatives in this setting.
Empirical likelihood-based tests for stochastic ordering

Here we present the results of a simulation study designed to compare the performance of Tn with the test statistic Sn of El Barmi and Mukerjee , which is defined as the maximum of a sequence of (one-sided) two-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov test statistics.
Empirical likelihood-based tests for stochastic ordering

Usage in literature

There was a snap about his work which I had never witnessed before, even in Barmy Fotheringay-Phipps on New Year's Eve. "Right Ho, Jeeves" by P. G. Wodehouse

It would 'ave lighted up a 'appy 'ome if I 'adn't been a barmy idiot. "The Dop Doctor" by Clotilde Inez Mary Graves

I've got a sort of a paralytic stroke running up and down my arm fit to drive anybody barmy. "Carnival" by Compton Mackenzie

Old Barmy suffered from acute poverty and incipient senile decay. "Years of Plenty" by Ivor Brown

Barmy Sid I call him. "Sinister Street, vol. 2" by Compton Mackenzie

Usage in poetry
I'm dotty on everything
Rubbra has written,
And I'm barmy, yes, barmy
On Benjamin Britten.
I must have been barmy when I joined the army,
They didn't treat me like a friend,
And they hadn't got room in the gunners
So I signed on fro Preston North End.
The little winds is stirrin' in the trees,
Where little birds is chantin' lovers' lays;
The music of the sorft an' barmy breeze…
Aw, spare me days!
If this 'ere dilly feelin' doesn't stop
I'll lose me block an' stoush some flamin' cop!
When Summer scents the zephyr breeze, with rich perfume of flowers,
And birds are singing merrily in woods and leafy bowers—
Then has she promised to be mine, my own, my barmy bride;
Contentedly I'll toil for Nell, the Lass o' Ribbleside.
The young green leaves is shootin' on the trees,
The air is like a long, cool swig o' beer,
The bonzer smell o' flow'rs is on the breeze
An 'ere's me, 'ere,
Jist mooching around like some pore, barmy coot,
Of 'ope, an' joy, an' forchin destichoot.