a reflex that expels gas noisily from the stomach through the mouth
Are cow burps contributing to global warming?). dairyherd.com
His parents innocently drink it, providing the startling sounds of a dainty mother and straight-arrow father burping thunderously. usatoday.com
We all tried to get away with the excuse: "I heard in some countries, it's rude if you DON'T burp after a meal" after we've passed gas either inadvertently or with purposeful malicious intent. 98kool.com
Janus won the contest with an 18.1 second burp . 98kool.com
The World Burping Federation wants to put the stigma to an end. 98kool.com
The Albuquerque Journal reports the unnamed seventh grader was arrested last May 11 at Cleveland Middle School after he " burped audibly" in his P.E. cbsnews.com
When I called Print Liberation to make sure this was, um, real, dudes were already burping in the background. citypaper.net
The décor is undoubtedly owing to its location next to Burp Castle, a monastery-themed beer bar whose empire has shrunk. villagevoice.com
Reveling in its cryptic name, Jimmy's No 43 can't decide whether it wants to be like Burp or a market-driven bistro. villagevoice.com
Times Readers Think the Barclays Center Looks Like a Grilled Cheese Sandwich and a Burping Clam. observer.com
The tube is also "self-burping," which eliminates the problems of material shooting out when the tube is first opened and caulk continuing to eject from the tube when the user's finger leaves the trigger. adhesivesmag.com
A foster mother is using baby burping as her defense in a child murder case in Fresno that could send her to prison. abclocal.go.com
Harvey Pekar's Land of the Losers-Burps at Hollywood's Heros . observer.com
There's a new omega-3 supplement in town that delivers its disease-fighting magic more efficiently—without fishy burps. naturalhealthmag.com
A new study claims that dinosaur burps and flatulence contributed to the greenhouse effect 200 million years ago. eagle969.com
This knowledge is essential given the very large fog of foreground (M dwarf flares, dwarf noave) and background transients (routine supernovae at a late phase, burps from an AGN). 9Even so, as in real life, two thirds of the transients are unclassified and left behind.
Cosmic Explosions (Optical Transients)
Burpe Can Sealer Co., 215 W. Huron St., Chicago. "Every Step in Canning" by
Douglass MacArthur Yetsko put the burp gun back together again, tried the action, and laid it aside with a sigh. "Null-ABC" by
The third man had a burp-gun in his hands. "Ullr Uprising" by
The third man had a burp-gun in his hands. "Uller Uprising" by
The plate burped and a slip dropped out of the slot below it. "Mezzerow Loves Company" by
The burp was almost joyful as the card popped out. "The Success Machine" by
My name is Tyler, King of burping, Champion of stomach chirping. "FreeChildrenStories.com Collection" by
And Leo kicked up and made me burp the burp I was saving. "Special Delivery" by
It was the pistol known as the "burp gun," that sprayed slugs like a hose. "The Caves of Fear" by
He was shaking his head at his own estimate when the Rangeley burped again. "The Next Time We Die" by