a genus of Strigidae -
a lymph node that is inflamed and swollen because of plague or gonorrhea or tuberculosis
(Med) An inflammation, with enlargement, of a lymphatic gland, esp. in the groin, as in syphilis.
In medicine, an inflammatory swelling of a lymphatic gland, especially such as arises in the groin from venereal infection. -
A genus of large owls with conspicuous plumicorns, relatively small ear-aperture, incomplete facial disk, and feathered feet. It contains the great owl or eagle-owl of Europe, B. maximus, the great horned owl of North America, B. virginianus, and sundry other species. See cut on next page.
bū′bo an inflammatory swelling of the glands in the groin or armpit
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary LL. bubo, the groin, a swelling in the groin, Gr. boubw`n
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L.—Gr. boubōn, the groin.
Michael Wolf of Pompano Beach knew an owl (Bubo virginianus) nest was near the main entrance to the refuge. birdersworld.com
Johnson mentions a boy of seven with severe gonorrhea complicated with buboes which he had contracted from a servant girl with whom he slept. "Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine" by
The Oriental bubo-plague ravaged Italy sixteen times between the years 1119 and 1340. "The Black Death, and The Dancing Mania" by
We must, it seems, fake it for granted that all these hundred and ten thousand men must have these buboes. "Against Apion" by
Phidias made them, and Bubo and Bombax dressed them in purple. "Devereux, Complete" by
Foedaque fit volucris venturi nuncia luctus, Ignavus bubo, dirum mortalibus omen. "Concerning Animals and Other Matters" by
The honey dropping from Favonio's tongue, The flowers of Bubo, and the flow of Yonge! "English Satires" by
After the bubo has been opened the wound may take on the characters of a soft sore. "Manual of Surgery" by
And soon there appeared upon her body four buboes, of which she was afterwards cured. "One Hundred Merrie And Delightsome Stories" by
He then had indurated chancre, two buboes and syphilitic sore throat. "The Electric Bath" by
When the chancroid is healed and the bubo becomes a scar the disease is cured. "Manual of Military Training" by