ask for it
æsk fər ɪt-
ask for it
persist with actions or an attitude despite the probability that it will cause trouble "He is asking for trouble with his behavior"
Sam specifically asked for a Vikings one so he could "beat the crap out of it".
While, Motherly love never asks for any repayment, isn't it great to see a smile on her face when she knows you're thinking of her.
That being said I have to ask whether it is necessary for any of us to get a Riddell for House campaign flier in our mailbox almost every day of the week.
We didn't ask for the pollution, but it is taking over our community and all because a polluter was allowed to create an experiment in our community.
The Philippine-Canadian Centre's Lito Taruc: "It's hard to approach the community asking for money again".
(KMTR) – It's not the kind of wake-up call one North Eugene family was asking for on Saturday morning when a drunk driver crashed into multiple cars in front of their home.
A field + country music + outdoors = exactly what you asked for, so we're making it happen.
So now it's asking for your help.
When Cory asked for a Flexlite with his exact dimensions "just like his magic board" Placeboman was too lazy to build another plug, so he took his favorite board and built an "exact" mold directly off of it.
The consultation asked for ideas on how to monitor health and welfare effects, and whether it would be "possible or desirable" to levy a charge on product placements to fund the research.
It's what coffee connoisseurs ask for by name.
People are going door-to-door asking for money to help the town, but police say it's a scam.
I've asked for months via emails and calls about this issue since it often has been late.
The Supreme Court is asking the public for its opinion on proposals intended to improve access of legal services for the financially needy.
I agree with the July 13 Viewpoint asking for all of us to tone down the noise level when it comes to the Piilani Promenade .
Left-right symmetric models are halfway in between vector-like models and models with explicit parity breaking and its is natural to ask whether they do qualify for noncommutative geometry.
Left-Right Symmetric Models in Noncommutative Geometries?
Many classical algorithms are based on random walks, so it is natural to ask whether quantum random walks might be useful for quantum computation. A framework for using quantum random walks to solve decision problems was investigated in .
An example of the difference between quantum and classical random walks
This suggests to regard the time series {sk } of BTW wave sizes in a similar perspective: also in this case we deal with a long range correlated signal, and it is legitimate to ask whether turbulence-like mechanisms in this signal are responsible for some form of multiscaling.
Turbulent self-organized criticality
In our classical limit we can ask if this number makes sense for our system, that is if it is a conserved quantity.
Large N limit of SO(N) gauge theory of fermions and bosons
In view of the example of Fisher discussed shortly in Section 1. it is natural to ask similar question for higher-dimensional interfaces.
Localization-delocalization phenomena for random interfaces
Christian people, do you ask for it? "Expositions of Holy Scripture" by
And he asked the oak-tree if it would furnish wood for Wainamoinen's boat. "Finnish Legends for English Children" by
I asked for it, would you have granted it to me. "An Old Man's Love" by
I ask you again, are you the men to go in for it? "The Flag of Distress" by
We exchanged guilty looks but were ashamed to ask for it. "The Escape of a Princess Pat" by
Prothero had not yet asked himself his intentions or even wondered what he was there for, since, as it seemed, it was not to talk to Laura. "The Creators" by
She asked for none of it! "The Bill-Toppers" by
You have asked me for my advice, and I have given it you. "The Vicar of Bullhampton" by
Did he not ask you for it just now? "Studies in love and in terror" by
But is there to be no place left, it will be indignantly asked, for imagination and invention, for poetical power, or love of ideal beauty? "The Crown of Wild Olive" by
But leave me here instead,
The petticoat in dye-pot here
Will never fast its red
Ask not where nor how;
It once said, “Let there be light,”
Darkness waits for it now.
In a rather odd dilemma,
For "The Wonderful Magician"
Ask the pardon of its errors.
I cannot tell, indeed,
For what. I do not know for what.
It is the woman's creed!
He never asked, you said?
'Not just--but then he gazed--I swear
He gazed it from my head!
Where falsehood never spake,
That they who come in lowly guise
To ask for Jesus' sake;