dependent on chance "the aleatory element in life"
(Law) Depending on some uncertain contingency; as, an aleatory contract.
Literally, depending upon the throw of a die; hence, depending on a contingent event.
ā′lē-a-tō-ri depending on the throw of the dice: dependent on certain contingencies.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. aleatorius, fr. alea, chance, die
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. āleātōrius, ālea, a die.
All aleatory phenomena in nature can be analyzed as we have done with the dice. E.g. the water in the sea is in an equilibrium state.
The cosmological origin of time-asymmetry
Sulla prosequibilit´a di processi aleatori scambiabili.
Estimating Random Variables from Random Sparse Observations
Encryption test of pseudo-aleatory messages embedded on chaotic laser signals: An information theory approach.
Quantifiers for randomness of chaotic pseudo random number generators
Levy, Theorie de l’Addition des Variables Aleatories (GauthierVilliers, Paris, 1937).
A Model for Ordinary Levy Motion
Danger, enterprise, hope, the novel, the aleatory, are dearer to man than regular meals. "Lay Morals and Other Papers" by
This was the aleatory element in life, the element of risk and loss, good or bad fortune. "Folkways" by
If I may be permitted the aleatory image, you bet they did. "What I Saw in America" by
Danger, enterprise, hope, the novel, the aleatory, are dearer to man than regular meals. "The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 16 (of 25)" by
At best the actor's is an aleatory profession and, as in all games of chance, the losses score highest. "My Actor-Husband" by