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Fine Dictionary


Tea caddy of painted porcelain. The bus is covered with an orange-red background, in which accolade-shaped four steps have been left out with (water) landscapes with European figures, sometimes with bales and ships. The tea caddy is marked.
Tea caddy of painted porcelain. The bus is covered with an orange-red background, in which accolade-shaped four steps have been left out with (water) landscapes with European figures, sometimes with bales and ships. The tea caddy is marked.
  1. (n) accolade
    a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction "an award for bravery"
Peasant couple in conversation on a hill beneath a poem with accolades to a woman, with no indicated melody.
Peasant couple in conversation on a hill beneath a poem with accolades to a woman, with no indicated melody.
Silver bowl with accolade-shaped scalloped edge. In the center the engraved coat of arms of Caspar Hendrik Schickhart and Judith ter Welberg. On the edge tendrils of flowers and birds.
Silver bowl with accolade-shaped scalloped edge. In the center the engraved coat of arms of Caspar Hendrik Schickhart and Judith ter Welberg. On the edge tendrils of flowers and birds.
Painted porcelain bowl. The bowl is covered with an orange-red background, in which accolade-shaped four steps have been left out with (water) landscapes with European figures, sometimes with bales and ships. The rinsing bowl is marked.
Painted porcelain bowl. The bowl is covered with an orange-red background, in which accolade-shaped four steps have been left out with (water) landscapes with European figures, sometimes with bales and ships. The rinsing bowl is marked.
Painted porcelain dish. The saucer is covered with an orange-red background, in which accolade-shaped four steps have been left out with (water) landscapes with European figures, sometimes with bales and ships. The saucer is marked and belongs to a cup (BK-17402-H-1) and an equal cup and saucer (BK-17402-I-1 and BK-17402-I-2. The saucer belongs to a tea and chocolate service) (BK-17402-A to BK-17402-X).
Painted porcelain dish. The saucer is covered with an orange-red background, in which accolade-shaped four steps have been left out with (water) landscapes with European figures, sometimes with bales and ships. The saucer is marked and belongs to a cup (BK-17402-H-1) and an equal cup and saucer (BK-17402-I-1 and BK-17402-I-2. The saucer belongs to a tea and chocolate service) (BK-17402-A to BK-17402-X).
Painted porcelain chocolate pot. The jug is covered with an orange-red background, in which accolade-shaped four steps have been left with (water) landscapes with European figures, sometimes with bales and ships. The chocolate pot is marked.
Painted porcelain chocolate pot. The jug is covered with an orange-red background, in which accolade-shaped four steps have been left with (water) landscapes with European figures, sometimes with bales and ships. The chocolate pot is marked.
Dish made of painted porcelain. The saucer is covered with an orange-red background, in which accolade-shaped four steps have been left out with (water) landscapes with European figures, sometimes with bales and ships. The saucer is marked and belongs to a cup (BK-17402-I-1) and an equal cup and saucer (BK-17402-H-1 and BK-17402-H-2. The saucer belongs to a tea and chocolate service. (BK-17402-A to BK-17402-X).
Dish made of painted porcelain. The saucer is covered with an orange-red background, in which accolade-shaped four steps have been left out with (water) landscapes with European figures, sometimes with bales and ships. The saucer is marked and belongs to a cup (BK-17402-I-1) and an equal cup and saucer (BK-17402-H-1 and BK-17402-H-2. The saucer belongs to a tea and chocolate service. (BK-17402-A to BK-17402-X).
Porcelain dish with accolade-shaped rim, painted in underglaze blue. The front of the saucer with a river landscape with two Chinese men in a pavilion. A third man with a servant approaches across a bridge. Around the pavilion flowering trees (prunus, pine), rocks, a vase and spiral clouds. The outer wall with a continuous flower vine. Marked on the bottom with 'fuku' in a double square and a circle. Six proons on the bottom. Some chips in the rim. Arita, Kakiemon in blue and white.
Scale with people in a pavilion
Porcelain cup and saucer. The saucer with a short, straight, ribbed wall and an accolade-shaped rim. The wall of the cup is divided into two sections, the top of which has a ribbed wall, and one with a brace-shaped edge. Painted on the glaze in blue, red, pink, green, yellow, black and gold. In the center of the saucer the monogram 'JM' in a crowned medallion with shell motif, napkin and flower sprays; around the medallion and on the wall napkin with four small and four large cartouches with flower sprays cut out. The head with the same decoration. Unglazed bottom of the saucer. A crack and two chips in the wall of the saucer; two cracks in the wall of the cup. European representation in enamel colors.
Monogrammed cup and saucer with coat of arms in a medallion
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Accolade
    (Mus) A brace used to join two or more staves.
  2. Accolade
    A ceremony formerly used in conferring knighthood, consisting of an embrace, and a slight blow on the shoulders with the flat blade of a sword.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) accolade
    A ceremony used in conferring knighthood, anciently consisting in an embrace, afterward in giving the candidate a blow upon the shoulder with the flat of a sword, the latter being the present method; hence, the blow itself.
  2. (n) accolade
    In music, a brace or couplet connecting several staves. In architecture, an ornament composed of two ogee curves meeting in the middle, each concave toward its outer extremity and convex toward the point at which it meets the other. Such accolades are either plain or adorned with rich moldings, and are a frequent motive of decoration on the lintels of doors and windows of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, especially in secular architecture. Viollet-le-Duc.
  3. (n) accolade
    In Roman and early monastic MSS., the curved stroke made by the copyist around a final word written below the line to which it belonged, in order to avoid carrying it on to the next.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Accolade
    ak-ol-ād′ a ceremony used in conferring knighthood, formerly an embrace, a kiss, now a slap on the shoulders with the flat of a sword.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F. accolade, It. accolata, fr. accollare, to embrace; L. ad, + collum, neck

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr.—L. ad, to, collum, neck.

Usage in the news

Paul Shaffer, Letterman 's longtime band leader, said he knew his boss was uncomfortable hearing such accolades, but that he knew Letterman was enjoying every second of it.

Paul Shaffer, Letterman 's longtime band leader, said he knew his boss was uncomfortable hearing such accolades, but that he was also enjoying every second of it.

"Bacon is Meat Candy," bacon is the ambrosia of pork and a million other accolades — they're all true, and some people don't just indulge and enjoy, they positively revel in it.

Grammy's, Oscars, Golden Globes…just about every prestigious accolade you can think of, Lionel has won it.

OXFORD TOWN – The new film "The Help" opens Aug 10 and many critics around the country have already seen it and are screaming its accolades.

Both groups have received their usual accolades.

The recipient of numerous community honors and service awards, Springman didn't go into public service for the accolades.

Los Angeles-based architect Thom Mayne , FAIA, is growing more accolade-rich every day, if you can believe it.

Carey received accolades for his work in the minors .

There are no new accolades I can bestow on Robert Mulligan's To Kill a Mockingbird that haven't already been give.

Ten Bulldogs earn post-season accolades LEBANON.

Chris Muller has earned a lot of accolades playing football at Boyertown.

Clowney's monster performance earns multiple SEC accolades.

Accolade helps top Murphy 's lot.

His name is longer than his tail, and he has packed nine lives' worth of accolades into three years of eating, napping, stretching, cuddling, playing, bathing, traveling, and being greatly admired.

Usage in scientific papers

They take gaseous fuel, organize it into a disk and, when conditions are right, convert its mass into radiant energy and its exhaust into jets with an efficiency that would win accolades in the automotive industry.
Probing the Physics of AGN: A Summary

Erich Lehmann’s towering contributions to statistics have received many well-deserved accolades.
Erich Leo Lehmann---A glimpse into his life and work

Usage in literature

The pat was an accolade. "The $30,000 Bequest and Other Stories" by Mark Twain

The work had its first accolade of genius in the wild protests of the music copyists, and in the downright mutiny of orchestral performers. "Contemporary American Composers" by Rupert Hughes

The accolade of leadership is not inherent in the individual but is conferred on him by the group. "The Armed Forces Officer" by U. S. Department of Defense

He had no sword, just a riding whip, so he tossed the whip on the bed, for you can't do an accolade with anything but a sword. "The Backwash of War" by Ellen N. La Motte

As she looked proudly down at the hand he had honored with a blow as with an accolade she saw by her watch that it was after six. "The Cup of Fury" by Rupert Hughes

The Sword of '76 would have refused the accolade; but that of '63 is of a milder temper. "The Orpheus C. Kerr Papers. Series 3" by Robert H. Newell

For the accolade of a smile from those lips, in the flesh, a man might undertake all manner of folly. "The Portal of Dreams" by Charles Neville Buck

And to Wat such a death would seem almost like an accolade. "The Men of the Moss-Hags" by S. R. Crockett

Then Galahad gave him the accolade as he kneeled before him, and bade him rise a knight. "Historic Tales, Vol 14 (of 15)" by Charles Morris

You see a hard job for a scanty wage; to Johnny Dines it was accolade and shoulder stroke. "Stepsons of Light" by Eugene Manlove Rhodes

Usage in poetry
And obscure as that heaven of the Jews,
Thy guerdon . . . Accolade thou dost bestow
Of anonymity time cannot raise:
Vibrant reprieve and pardon thou dost show.
This was the gleam then that lured from far
Your son and my son to the Holy War:
Your son and my son for the accolade
With the banner of Christ over them, in steel arrayed.
And though unbelted and without their spurs,
To them is due Fame's splendid accolade;
And theirs the story which to-day still stirs
The pulses of your heart, Mahone's Brigade.