made smaller or less by melting or erosion or vaporization "the rocket's ablated head shield"
BSD Medical Sells MicroThermX Microwave Ablation System to Appleton Medical Services. mdtmag.com
Essure® and endometrial ablation: Clinical studies and case reviews of Essure with 118 NovaSure® procedures. obgmanagement.com
Top innovations include subcutaneous ICD, new mapping and ablation visualization techniques, disposable Holter monitors. dicardiology.net
An illustration of the FIRM mapping technique used to visualize and guide ablation of AFib rotors. dicardiology.net
High-Power Microwave Tissue Ablation Technology to be Shown at ECR. dicardiology.net
Microwave Tissue Ablation System Treats Liver and Lung Disease. dicardiology.net
The Accu2i, by Microsulis Medical, is a percutaneous microwave tissue ablation (pMTA) system. dicardiology.net
CONFIRM Study Shows AF Sustained by Localized Rotors, Focuses Where to Ablate. dicardiology.net
Study shows atrial fibrillation source can be imaged and eliminated with short, targeted ablation therapy. dicardiology.net
FDA Clears New Magnetically -Guided Ablation Catheter. dicardiology.net
The Celsius RMT ThermoCool ablation catheter for use with Stereotaxis' magnetic navigation system in the treatment of type 1 atrial flutter. dicardiology.net
First Report of Percutaneous Mitral Valve Prolapse Repair Using Catheter-Based Intracardiac Ablation Explained in JIC. dicardiology.net
Mount Sinai First In Nation to Ablate Atrial Fibrillation Using New Visually-Guided Balloon Catheter. dicardiology.net
Schenectady man first patient of new hybrid ablation procedure. spotlightnews.com
Estech Launches New Cobra Fusion System for Cardiac Endoscopic Ablation. dicardiology.net
However, we suggest that in some instances it may be more useful to model them as being due to the passage of discrete bullets of ejecta that are promptly ionized and that are ablated as they travel through the ambient medium.
Two jets from the Orion (M42) `proplyds' - kinematics, morphologies and origins
The trailing ablated material is then identified as the jet, with the bullet at its head.
Two jets from the Orion (M42) `proplyds' - kinematics, morphologies and origins
Such a dynamical mechanism has the attraction that the ‘Hubble-type’ velocity law, if found in future observations of the proplyd jets, is naturally explained since material that was ablated earlier has slowed down more than material more recently incorporated into the flow.
Two jets from the Orion (M42) `proplyds' - kinematics, morphologies and origins
This scenario we have outlined is qualitatively compatible with the observations, although, further quantitative modeling is needed with regards to surface heating/cooling by ablation, burst timescales, burst spectra, etc. before it can be considered further.
An Extended Burst Tail from SGR 1900+14 with a Thermal X-ray Spectrum
This included hydrocarbon films deposited following laser-ablation of amorphous carbon in Ar, followed by exposure to atomic H (Mennella et al. 1999) or from a weaklyionized plasma produced by laser-ablation of graphite in hydrogen (Scott & Duley 1996; Duley et al. 1998).
Astrophysics of Dust in Cold Clouds
I here have become a grammarian, I who never learned any language but by rote, and who do not yet know adjective, conjunction, or ablative. "The Essays of Montaigne, Complete" by
Besides being a beacon for sledging parties, it was used for ablation measurements. "The Home of the Blizzard" by
The first step towards this assurance is the ablation of the chronic Shaksperian comparison. "Life of Robert Browning" by
For the ablative cf. "Cato Maior de Senectute" by
The uses of the Latin Ablative accordingly fall into Genuine Ablative uses, Instrumental uses, and Locative uses. "New Latin Grammar" by
And he hurt me with a stone; it is the ablative case. "Of the Orthographie and Congruitie of the Britan Tongue" by
Both the ablative case, I believe, but what a difference? "Berry And Co." by
This is clearly an ablative relation, and the construction is called the /ablative of the measure of difference\. "Latin for Beginners" by
The Chinese make their eunuchs by a complete ablation of all genitals. "History of Circumcision from the Earliest Times to the Present" by
Excessive connective-tissue growth, exceptionally met with, is to be treated by ablation with the scissors or knife. "Essentials of Diseases of the Skin" by