any of various perennials of the genus Geum having usually pinnate basal leaves and variously colored flowers
ăv"ĕnz (Bot) A plant of the genus Geum, of the rose family, esp. Geum urbanum, or herb bennet. They may bear red, yellow, or white flowers.
The popular English name of species of plants of the genus Geum. The common or yellow avens, or herbbennet, is G. urbanum; the purple or water avens, G. rivale.
ā′vens popular name of two species of Geum—the herb bennet (once used to flavour ale) and the sub-alpine mountain-avens.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OF. avence,
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr.
THE tiny Breton village of Pont-Aven, now synonymous with the post-Impressionist school of French painting that formed around Paul Gauguin before he left for Tahiti, might have remained obscure if not for the tides. nytimes.com
Annaig, who conducts short guided tours for the town tourist office on the square, showed us how to walk to the Bois d'Amour on the banks of the Aven, where Serusier painted his "Talisman" under Gauguin's direction. nytimes.com
When the Giovannone brothers obtained a permit to demolish a Victorian house in Roxborough, it's unlikely they expected a phone campaign, hundreds of concerned citizens, and protests outside the Ridge Avene home. philly.com
Four men from Avenal were killed in a violent accident Monday morning on Interstate Five. abclocal.go.com
I read with great pleasure Craig R Whitney's recent article on Pont -Aven, "A Backwater That Inspired Art" (May 23). nytimes.com
Ramirez started boxing in a small gym in Avenal. ksee24.com
Charlotte County Sheriff's Major Crimes Unit detectives arrested the caretaker of a murdered Port Charlotte man found buried in a grave alongside his home at 161 Avens St. Back to Article. gasparillagazette.com
Faulkner, Austin and Kori (Moore), Frankfort, a boy, Charles Aven, 8 pounds, 6 ounces, at 1:24 am March 7, 2012. kokomotribune.com
Police are investigating the fatal shooting of a 20-year-old man and the stabbing of two friends in Avenal early Sunday morning. fresnobee.com
It sounds like a small thing to a free person, but merely getting a hat and the permission to wear it to protect his scalp from recurring skin cancer is an ongoing issue for Jon Andreas, who transferred to Avenal State Prison in March 2009. scpr.org
Avenal State Prison, near Fresno, is first facility to make change. kcra.com
Cellphones confiscated in Avenal State Prison. kcra.com
At IMTS 2012, Aven Inc offers its auto-focus Mighty Scope . mmsonline.com
Aven's auto-focus Mighty Scope is equipped with a 2-megapixel CMOS sensor, four bright-white intensity controllable LED lights and three focusing options. mmsonline.com
H aven't heard enough Quicksilver Messenger Service lately. bohemian.com
We hope to explore this aven ue in a future paper.
Stellar distances from spectroscopic observations: a new technique
We refer to his new readings as being from 'D'Avenant's version. "The Works of William Shakespeare [Cambridge Edition] [9 vols.]" by
The warehouse had been erected on the site of the Duke's Theatre, which was built by D'Avenant in 1660. "A Life of William Shakespeare with portraits and facsimiles" by
You've seen my ship, 'aven't you, lying to moorings? "The U-boat hunters" by
An' now he'll lay fer a chanst to git aven. "The Promise" by
I 'AVEN'T SEEN YOU TO SPEAK TO FOR AGES. "Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 146, April 22, 1914" by
If you 'aven't got no uniform, your number's up for lead pills, an' don't you forget it. "The Message" by
The Man-o'-War's 'er 'usband, an' 'e always keeps beside; But, oh, the little cargo-boats that 'aven't any man! "The Seven Seas" by
As I 'aven't, say wot you'll drink? "The Dop Doctor" by
Well, you 'aven't committed a murder. "The Dust Flower" by
I've 'alf a mind to put up one for you to-night myself, blowed if I 'aven't. "The Missionary" by
Alludin' to 'is work.
"I aven gotakop," sezee,
"At presen'. Wot's your lurk?"
Or 'eadin' browns; I 'aven't got the 'eart
To word a tom; an' square an' all, I'm sick
Of that cheap tart
'Oo chucks 'er carcis at a feller's 'head
An' mauls 'im… Ar! I wish't that I wus dead!…