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Fine Dictionary


Hat of black glossy (lacquered?) Paper over cardboard core with oilcloth lining, with a straight bulb and a narrow, straight brim that is stored on one side, so-called paper hat. Model: Straight ball with loose edge, sewn to the ball with coarse stitches. The cardboard sphere is lined with black-dyed oilcloth and covered with black paper on the outside. The gray cardboard edge is also covered with black paper. Below the raised edge, an elongated piece of leather is sewn onto the sphere with coarse stitches.
Hat of black glossy (lacquered?) Paper over cardboard core with oilcloth lining, with a straight bulb and a narrow, straight brim that is stored on one side, so-called paper hat. Model: Straight ball with loose edge, sewn to the ball with coarse stitches. The cardboard sphere is lined with black-dyed oilcloth and covered with black paper on the outside. The gray cardboard edge is also covered with black paper. Below the raised edge, an elongated piece of leather is sewn onto the sphere with coarse stitches.
  1. (n) oilcloth
    cloth treated on one side with a drying oil or synthetic resin
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. oilcloth
    Cloth rendered waterproof by treatment with oil or paint, and used for marking garments, covering tables, shelves, floors, etc.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) oilcloth
    Painted canvas designed for use as a floor-covering, etc. See floor-cloth and linoleum.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. Oilcloth
    a painted floorcloth

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary O. Fr. oile (Fr. huile)—L. oleum—Gr. elaionelaia, the olive.

Usage in the news

An oilcloth sign advertising Coca-Cola from 1905.

The same oilcloth that covers your kitchen table can transport your children's lunches -- or your own -- in leak-free style.

Making an oilcloth slipcover is a project best suited for those with sewing experience.

Usage in literature

How cleanse the oilcloth and the fatal jug? "Flint" by Maud Wilder Goodwin

To procure a kitchen oilcloth as cheaply as possible, buy cheap tow cloth, and fit it to the size and shape of the kitchen. "A Treatise on Domestic Economy" by Catherine Esther Beecher

They ran like people in a pelting rain, and between them they carried a large bag or bundle, slung in an oilcloth. "The Long Roll" by Mary Johnston

Surely enough there was a large puddle of water in the middle of the oilcloth. "The Curlytops and Their Playmates" by Howard R. Garis

Through a small rent in the oilcloth which covered the screen Marjorie could see her plainly. "A Patriotic Schoolgirl" by Angela Brazil

They occupied stools at a high counter covered with oilcloth. "Stubble" by George Looms

The floor was covered with ugly oilcloth. "Peking Dust" by Ellen N. La Motte

Would you scallop this oilcloth, mother, or leave it plain? "Virginia" by Ellen Glasgow

The creak of rockers filled the unventilated, oilcloth-floored sitting-room. "The Trail of the Hawk" by Sinclair Lewis

The passage smelled of the oilcloth on the floor and of a rubber waterproof which I brushed. "Friendship Village" by Zona Gale

Usage in poetry
I don’t feel like reading another book,
and I’m tired of poetry—that’s not what I want to do.
But my mind is restless, unsettled—
I’ll try counting raindrop stains
on the oilcloth window.