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Fine Dictionary


  1. (v) outspan
    remove the yoke or harness from "outspan the draft animals"
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. outspan
    To unyoke or disengage, as oxen from a wagon; to unharness (a horse).
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. outspan
    To unyoke or unhitch (oxen from a wagon); unharness or unsaddle (a horse or horses).
  2. outspan
    To detach oxen from a wagon; hence, to encamp.
  3. (n) outspan
    The act of unyoking or unharnessing oxen or horses.
  4. (n) outspan
    The time and place of the outspan; hence, an encampment; a camp.
  5. outspan
    To stretch beyond the span or reach of.
  6. outspan
    To spread out or extend, as an arch.
  7. (n) outspan
    The entire span or stretch, especially the span of an arch.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (v.t., v.i) Outspan
    owt-span′ to unyoke or unharness draught-oxen, &c., from a vehicle, to encamp—opp. to Inspan.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary D. uitspannen,

Usage in literature

We had crossed the Blood River, and after an extra long morning's trek had outspanned on one of the small tributaries of that stream. "A Frontier Mystery" by Bertram Mitford

It's away on the flat there at the outspan just outside the town; any one'll tell you. "The Luck of Gerard Ridgeley" by Bertram Mitford

No use outspanning here. "In the Whirl of the Rising" by Bertram Mitford

Shall we outspan and make a night of it on the veldt? "A Veldt Vendetta" by Bertram Mitford

My waggon's outspanned yonder on the flat. "'Tween Snow and Fire" by Bertram Mitford

Northward we trekked steadily through wild desolate country for the best part of one day, and outspanned by a desert pool for the night. "Tales of South Africa" by H.A. Bryden

Wherefore for days they would outspan near a group of kraals, although of trade there was next to nothing done. "A Secret of the Lebombo" by Bertram Mitford

He and Magwelo will do the outspanning. "Harley Greenoak's Charge" by Bertram Mitford

You arrived at a farmhouse and asked leave to outspan by the spruit. "The African Colony" by John Buchan

They had outspanned by the last spring, which gurgled out among the roots of the mokhala-trees upon the very edge of the desert. "The Young Yagers" by Mayne Reid