the molecular weight of a substance expressed in grams; the basic unit of amount of substance adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites
A Middle English form of mull. -
In music, minor: as, E mol, or E minor. -
The gram-molecule, or the gram-molecular weight of an element or compound: a brief form introduced by Ostwald.
Dutch producer John De Mol is reviving famed British horror studio Hammer Film Prods.
Gretchen Mol as Gillian Darmody and Michael Pitt as Jimmy Darmody in HBO's 'Boardwalk Empire.
The system's flexibility for reagent set-up makes it an effective platform for both small- and large-scale synthesis from 5 ?mol to 2 mmol.
Starring Paul Rudd, Winona Ryder, Ken Marino, Jessica Alba, Famke Janssen, Gretchen Mol, and Liev Schreiber.
The ovens at Matthew Tilden's SCRATCHbread have birthed some of the city's most compellingly unusual pastries, perhaps none more so than the bakery's plantain cake with molé streudel.
MOL will offer a twice a week joint service with RCL.
The service is operated by 3 vessels (T/R 10.5 days) and MOL will provide one ship MV MOL Acclaim.
MOL Rejects Accusations in Croatian Ex-PM Bribe Case, Concerned About Ruling.
Longwater & Company Wins BMA Ace Award for MOL Sales Brochure .
Longwater & Company received top honors for the MOL North America Sales Brochure at the Business Marketing Association of New York's 2010 Ace Awards.
Mol Heads for Two-Month Low on Croatian Verdict: Budapest Mover.
Polay/HBO Gillian (Gretchen Mol) thinks about whose life to ruin next on HBO's "Boardwalk Empire".
MOL 3rd-Quarter Net Profit Soars on Higher Margins, Sales Volume.
The New World Alliance will tweak the rotation of three of its transpacific services in the next two weeks, according to an advisory from NWA member MOL.
Detail of stained glass window designed by Leo Mol.
Further, kB T sets the natural energy scale of physical biology where the temperature T for biological systems is usually around 300 K by telling us that microstates with energies too much larger than kB T ≈ 4.1 pN nm ≈ 0.6 kcal/mol ≈ 2.5 kJ/mol are thermally inaccessible.
A First Exposure to Statistical Mechanics for Life Scientists
In the extragalactic context, Σmol is best interpreted as related to a filling factor of molecular clouds until Σmol ∼ 100 M⊙ pc−2 , where the area filling factor of molecular gas may become unity (§2.4).
Star Formation in the Milky Way and Nearby Galaxies
Nonetheless, when averaged over the whole cloud, the standard X (CO) would cause errors in mass estimates of ±50%, systematically overestimating the mass for Σmol < 150 M⊙ pc−2 and underestimating for Σmol > 200 M⊙ pc−2 .
Star Formation in the Milky Way and Nearby Galaxies
A compilation of measurements indicates that αCO decreases from the usually assumed value with increasing surface density of gas once Σmol > 100 M⊙ pc−2 (Fig. 1, Tacconi et al. 2008).
Star Formation in the Milky Way and Nearby Galaxies
This Σmol corresponds to AV ∼ 10 mag, about the point where CO fails to trace column density in Galactic clouds, and the point where the beam on another galaxy might be filled with CO-emitting gas.
Star Formation in the Milky Way and Nearby Galaxies
In brief, he tells us the names of these three brothers were, Chaac-mol, Huuncay, and Aac. "The Prehistoric World" by
Avoiding the blow, Mol grappled with his antagonist, and both rolled to the ground. "History of the United Netherlands, 1600-09, Vol. IV. Complete" by
Danum di Abang sum-mol-wai ta sum-mol-wai Sum-mol-wai ta sum-mol-wai da-num di A-bang. "The Tinguian" by
Ros is Rose; the forms Meal or Mol imply great quantity or number. "The Pleasures of England" by
The day after his interview with the archbishop he had a visit from Benedict Mol. "George Borrow The Man and His Books" by
Mol, Benedict, 202, 239. "George Borrow and His Circle" by
Lae 1550 anos mol ci cah tulacal tabal tal Manii. "The Maya Chronicles" by
Perhaps one of the prettiest places we had yet come to was Mol-Ali, a lovely shady spot with veteran green trees all round. "Across Coveted Lands" by
Under conditions as above, but with 2.5 mol. "Researches on Cellulose" by
Mal and Mally became Mol and Molly, hence Mollison. "The Romance of Names" by