a name under which Ninkhursag was worshipped -
informal terms for a mother
See Mamma.
Mother: a word used chiefly in address and familiar intercourse, especially by and with infants, children, and young people.
mother—used chiefly by young children
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Mama, a repetition of ma, the first syllable a child naturally utters.
Rocco DiSpirito's Mama's Spaghetti and Meatballs .
Jimmy Sannino, owner of Mama Sanninos, has decades of experience behind him.
Megan Fox is one foxy mama.
He's big-headed, stubborn, childish, and most certainly a mama's boy.
Mama's got a squeezebox .
Mama's got a squeezebox , Daddy never sleeps at night.
Karen Gilchrist, guest columnist: Listening to Mama counted big for women's suffrage .
Safe in Mama's arms with a sun hat fashioned from a shirt and enjoying the beach in Chicago is Ayvah.
Fox has a special treat for all the mamas -- and even the papas.
So, apparently Mama Toad was opportunistic and loved to reproduce (3 generations of tadpoles ) and believed in public assistance as I have not seen her again.
"any mamas got any advice on when my baby teethes".
It's the PC All Star Garage Band at Mango Mama's Saturday night for the All Class Reunion of Port Clinton High School.
Reese Witherspoon is one fit mama-to-be.
She'll perform with The Red Hot Mamas at the third annuall Blues and Brews event on Nov 10.
And the Saturday before that, you saw a movie with your Mama.
Furthermore, stellar density distribution of η Cha cluster member seems to be spherical (Mama jek, Lawson, & Feigelson 2000).
Velocity Dispersion of Dissolving OB Associations Affected by External Pressure of Formation Environment
In recent years, a new technique in stellar age-dating has become available, in addition to improvements in the precision of traditional methods (e.g. measuring the lithium depletion, chromospheric activity, asteroseismology and isochrone fitting to HR diagrams Mama jek et al. 2007).
Temporal Variability of Stars and Stellar Systems
Mama jek et al. A Splinter Session on the Thorny Problem of Stellar Ages.
Temporal Variability of Stars and Stellar Systems
Since M = mS and mama = m ¯m for a ∈ S , we see Lad is the smallest subrule of L containing ⌊m ¯m⌋.
Generalized Tambara-Yamagami categories
The nominal uncertainty for such chromospheric ages is estimated to be around ±50% at a single epoch (Soderblom et al. 1991; Mama jek & Hillenbrand 2008).
Discovery of a Highly Unequal-Mass Binary T Dwarf with Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics: A Coevality Test of Substellar Theoretical Models and Effective Temperatures
Maclean fixes the altitude of San Pedro Mama, Santa Olaya, and Cocachacra, at 5331 feet. "Travels in Peru, on the Coast, in the Sierra, Across the Cordilleras and the Andes, into the Primeval Forests" by
Mama wore this for years, and then gave it to me. "Hester's Counterpart" by
You take care of the rest of the world, Philly, but mama and I take care of you. "The Faith Doctor" by
Mama purchased thirty copies of the paper, that she might cut out the paragraph and send it to friends and acquaintances. "Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen" by
The nurse knew what to do, And a block down the street lived Mama! "Three Women" by
Mama would have nothing to eat; they say you stole two onces, and two onces make thirty-two pesos. "An Eagle Flight" by
I'll go and tell mama. "Nobody's Girl" by
The very children had at last left off asking inconvenient questions about their mama. "McClure's Magazine, Vol 31, No 2, June 1908" by
Gamble sold mama and three children to Fulton. "Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves" by
Annie wrote Mama that she was very ill, in Munich, and poor Mama just flew. "The Beloved Woman" by
Take your eternal rest,
Mama and papa're coming
To take you to their breast.
"Here's a Christmas gift for you,"
And on the mother's cheek a kiss
She printed warm and true.
She smiles a frightful lot:
She smiles when she's with Aunt — but, oh!
She doesn't when she's not.
Why, I thought at first 't was jolly,
'Cause, you see,
I s'posed I could go and get him
And then Mama, course, would let him
Play with me.
Mama can see every day how he's grown.
Shoes are all battered, stockings all tattered,
Oh! but the baby is baby no longer
Look at the fellow—he's walking alone!
Sturdy and rosy and laughing and fair,
Crowing and growing past every one's knowing,
Out goes the cradle and in comes the "high-lo,"
Baby's next journey is into this chair.