an inferior dog or one of mixed breed
Mutt Monday's animals up for adoption.
Sunny, an adorable beige shelter mutt , will play Sandy in the fall revival of "Annie," beginning previews at the Palace Theatre on Oct 3.
Cory Branan, not a mutt .
Thanks to all for Strut Your Mutt .
Homer Animal Friends thanks everyone who participated in our 13th annual Strut Your Mutt .
The search is on for a mutt to be Benji.
Search on for mutt who will become Benji.
Search is on for a mutt who will become Benji.
Most artists don't wait six years to release a new album as Cory Branan did with " MUTT ," his third full-length record and first since 2006's "12 Songs.
Mutt N' Strut June 15, 2012.
Is this video about Mitt's mutt a satire.
Vernie H " Mutt " Carmichael, 87, of Leachville, passed away early Sunday, April 15, 2012, at his home.
And the Most Magnificent Mutt is.
Magnificent Mutt show set for Saturday in Graham.
Dogs Whine for Mutt Lynch Winery.
Breaking up a man's sleep like that, the great big overgrown mutt! "Americans All" by
A lady mutt first made it into orbit, ahead of any people, remember? "The Planet Strappers" by
I think he's a mutt. "The Varmint" by
If he wakes up, and I'm asleep, nurse, you can tell him from me that I'm a mutt. "William Adolphus Turnpike" by
Make a foursome if you like, with Kitty and the blue-eyed mutt. "Eve to the Rescue" by
If he's your mutt, call him off. "Lucile Triumphant" by
The wretched mutt has winded the bacon! "The Gay Rebellion" by
A mutt by the name of King butted in on me. "Rose O'Paradise" by
The first mutt that wags his jaw at you'll get it on the bean. "The Dust Flower" by
Nobody would wanter kidnap him if they had ter take that mutt along, too. "The Girls of Central High in Camp" by
Louder on the air!
Like a lion roaring,
Rising from his lair.
As though it meant to speak;
And thrice it mov'd its mutt'ring lip,
But silence did not break.
Within the walls of your own breast.
Who cannot on his own bed sweetly sleep,
Can on another's hardly rest.
My heart was meaning all the day,
Somewhat it fain would say:
And still it runneth mutt'ring up and down
With only this, My joy, my life, my crown.
Mutt'ring his wayward fancies he would rove,
Now drooping, woeful wan, like one forlorn,
Or craz'd with care, or cross'd in hopeless love.
To gently winnow my recumbent form,
As on the moss-grown steep my length I fling,
And listen to the billows mutt'ring storm.