A kind of raised seedcake. "Wiggs and ale."
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Cf. D. wegge, a sort of bread, G. weck, orig., a wedge-shaped loaf or cake. See Wedge
Closing day for CF Piggly Wiggly . pde.com
You can get this deal at Piggly Wiggly Birmingham locations today through Saturday. blog.al.com
Piggly Wiggly Midwest here said Wednesday that an independently owned Sendik's store in Brookfield, Wis. Will begin trading under the Piggly Wiggly banner effective Aug 23. supermarketnews.com
Fingerprint IDs & Piggly Wiggly Goes to Market. cioinsight.com
Asia's Tv Picture Is All Wiggly Lines (Int'l Edition). businessweek.com
A Troupe With a Love Of Things Wiggly . nytimes.com
Radiohead's Triumphant, Wiggly Return to the States. rollingstone.com
Thom Yorke, you wiggly madman. rollingstone.com
Closing day for CF Piggly Wiggly. pde.com
Saturday was closing day for the Piggly Wiggly in the Carolina Forest area. pde.com
There's no Bud Light in the cooler at the corner convenience store and no fine wine for sale at the Piggly Wiggly supermarket. crescent-news.com
"Six-year-olds are always wiggly, so you might as well incorporate that into the lesson". kimt.com
There's a Starbucks in the Piggly Wiggly. nytimes.com
Don't take the wiggly stuff too seriously. sltrib.com
Susan Wiggs' Lakeshore Christmas highlighted. bainbridgereview.com
Each i ∈ Vf (Υ) is adjacent (via a wiggly line) to a unique vertex p(i) ∈ Vs (Υ).
Averaging Fluctuations in Resolvents of Random Band Matrices
Such a factor is depicted graphically using a crossed wiggly line.
Averaging Fluctuations in Resolvents of Random Band Matrices
The following definition gives a natural extension of chain weights to graphs with wiggly edges.
Averaging Fluctuations in Resolvents of Random Band Matrices
Let i (Υ) = 2 and one of the terms vanishes), with the added condition that the summation over the index of i is done with respect to a chain weight (encoded in A(Υ) by the wiggly edge of Υ incident to i).
Averaging Fluctuations in Resolvents of Random Band Matrices
Let Γ ∈ Gp i ∈ Vm (Γ) be marked. (a) Suppose that σ(i, j ) = 0 for all j ∈ Vs (Υ) (i.e. there are no wiggly edges in Υ that join two original summation vertices).
Averaging Fluctuations in Resolvents of Random Band Matrices
Owners, Wiggs and Co.,' cried Walter. "Dombey and Son" by
Now, it came to pass that the Goths gained the victory and all the array of Rolf fell, no man save Wigg remaining out of all those warriors. "The Danish History, Books I-IX" by
But who are those WIGGS that think I am turned Tory? "The Journal to Stella" by
Mrs. Wiggs's heart was heavy, one night, as she tramped home through the snow after a hard day's work. "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" by
We must now make it a point to intercept old Wiggs. "Dyke Darrel the Railroad Detective" by
The delegates were W. J. Whipper, Robert Smalls, Thomas E. Miller, James Wigg, and L. R. Reed. "The Journal of Negro History, Volume 5, 1920" by
Gonna is now Gunn, Serl has given the very common Searle, and Wicga is Wigg. "The Romance of Names" by
But what does he mean by the wiggly looking mark before the word center? "The Gold Girl" by
Oh, Wiggs, Wiggs, I feel so lonely sometimes with nothing but women all around me. "Once on a Time" by
She spake something of my needing a Wigg. "The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to Prose, Vol. IX (of X) - America - I" by