a genus of Camelidae
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
(Zoöl) A South American mammal (Auchenia vicunna) native of the elevated plains of the Andes, allied to the llama but smaller. It has a thick coat of very fine reddish brown wool, and long, pendent white hair on the breast and belly. It is hunted for its wool and flesh.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
A South American mammal of the camel tribe, Auchenia vicugna or vicuna, related to the llama, guanaco. and alpaca It is found wild in elevated regions of Bolivia and Chili, and is much hunted for its wool and flesh. It is one of the smaller kinds, standing about 30 inches at the withers, and of variegated coloration. It has as yet resisted all attempts to reduce it to domestication. The short soft wool is very valnable, and was formerly much used for making fine tissues and delicate fabrics. It is less used now, what is known in the trade as vicugna (or viguna)wool being a mixture of wool and cotton.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
vi-kōō′nya or vi-kū′na a species or variety of the South American genus Auchenia (allied to the camels), which also includes the llama, alpaca, and the guanaco
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Sp. vicuña,. Cf. Vigonia
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Peruv.