To stand up; to be erected; to rise. "At once upstood the monarch, and upstood The wise Ulysses."
To stand up; be erect; rise.
up-stand′ (Milt.) to stand up -
And as upstanding citizens, they obey the law.
An upstanding FBI agent arrives in a small town where he must join forces with a provincial cop to solve a murder.
Upstanding undocumented immigrants test an overburdened system and tenuous reform efforts.
My, my, what upstanding citizens they are.
It's 3pm on a Tuesday -- well before a fine, upstanding citizen should have a cocktail.
UpStand a fine iPad stand (if only it had more flexibility).
Hali Poteshman, a developer of the Upstander program with the Holocaust Center, at her home in Winter Park with her sons Matthew and Sam Poteshman.
Pouch with spine is upstanding innovation for refills.
Some who knew Joshua Oaks Churchwell, the boy found dead in a Denver field last week, remembered him Tuesday as an outgoing child and the son of an upstanding Burlington family.
Can religion make you a more honest, upstanding person.
Oh yeah, I'm sure these Georgian cyberwarriors never behave in any way that resembles "criminals"– just like this obscure Russian malware cyberspy is an upstanding global citizen.
MILAN — With a balcony lined with trailing ivy and upstanding cacti and the runway filled with references to colorful Sicilian markets, the Dolce & Gabbana show on Sunday was never going to be in the minimalist mode.
Employee theft and shoplifting will cost retailers nearly $9 billion this holiday season , and unfortunately it's the upstanding consumer who pays for that loss in the end.
Employee theft and shoplifting will cost retailers nearly $9 billion this holiday season, and unfortunately it's the upstanding consumer who pays for that loss in the end.
Abandoning power and humiliating the country by "reporting to the chairman" and trampling on freedom and media independence and dignity — such traitorous and shameless actions are completely unacceptable to all upstanding Taiwanese.
The important aspect of promoting the healthy development of the cloud computing market is to establish a upstanding cloud computing ecosystem.
Interoperability and Standardization of Intercloud Cloud Computing
He's a sort of upstanding fellow. "The Man Next Door" by
The girl was still clinging to the upstanding roots when Marcel leapt from his seat on the trunk and stood confronting her. "The Heart of Unaga" by
Presently, the fellow returned with a fine upstanding, raw-boned, dark brown horse. "Under the Rebel's Reign" by
What an upstanding, fine, frank lad he appears to be. "Old Valentines" by
He was big and upstanding, with a look of honesty that Pen liked. "Still Jim" by
We rode up Majuba Hill as far as we could, finding it a great upstanding hill with a flat top overlooking the nek. "With the Naval Brigade in Natal (1899-1900)" by
You'd make a real upstander in a swell house, with folks waitin' around on you, an' di'monds an' things. "The Golden Woman" by
Snow lay deep over every one of those intervening, upstanding miles! "A Mountain Boyhood" by
Circling the summit, leaping to keep himself behind the upstanding crags. "Astounding Stories of Super-Science, May, 1930" by
Just in front of them, where there still was a channel of water, was an upstanding rock. "Robinetta" by
Upstanding in a row;
The reapers sang Thy praise
While passing to and fro.
Upstanding, spreads the light
On painted clouds of fancy
And mists that touch the height.
Upstanding hop, recumbent fleece,
And sheaves of wheat, like weathered tents,
A twilight bivouac of peace.
Upstanding hop, recumbent fleece,
And sheaves of wheat, like weathered tents,
A twilight bivouac of peace.
purplish, forked, upstanding, twiggy
stuff of bushes and small trees
with dead, brown leaves under them
leafless vines —
On your head a wide dish, holding
Dark and golden lumps of honey;
You went slowly, like an old horse
That's not driven any longer,
But that likes to take an amble.