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Fine Dictionary


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Unkiss
    To cancel or annul what was done or sealed by a kiss; to cancel by a kiss. "Let me unkiss the oath 'twixt thee and me."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. unkiss
    To retract or annul by kissing again, as an oath taken by kissing the book.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (v.t) Unkiss
    un-kis′ (Shak.) to annul by kissing.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1st un-, + king,

Usage in literature

How am I to play up to such an unkissable-looking animal as Major Dalton? "The Pool in the Desert" by Sara Jeanette Duncan

Blakeley, the Great Unkissed! "The Man in Lower Ten" by Mary Roberts Rinehart

I went to bed unkissed. "Painted Windows" by Elia W. Peattie

He was leaving her now, unkissed, but white and indignant. "Devil's Ford" by Bret Harte

Willy went to bed, unkissed and sad. "Bits About Home Matters" by Helen Hunt Jackson

She was, also, not unkissed when Anthony asked her to marry him. "The Gay Cockade" by Temple Bailey

Without spoken questions, therefore, Miss Hepburn pecked with her unkissed virgin lips the firm pink satin of Barrie's cheek. "The Heather-Moon" by C. N. Williamson and A. M. Williamson

Oh, aching heart, and unkissed lips! "The Continental Monthly, Vol 2, No 6, December 1862" by Various

If I thought he cared for you, child, I would make you very unkissable. "The Proud Prince" by Justin Huntly McCarthy

Bela wriggled clear, unkissed. "The Huntress" by Hulbert Footner

Usage in poetry
My baby slept--his baby head
Lay all unkiss'd 'neath pall and shroud:
I did not weep or cry aloud--
I only wished I, too, were dead!
All unkiss'd by innocent beauty,
All unloved by guileless heart,
All uncheer'd by sweetest duty,--
Childless one, how poor thou art!
For ah! Of that beloved twain,
The lips of one, then warm with breath,
I since have kissed unkissed again,
For they were cold in death.
But surely unto Thee mine eyes did show
Why I am silent, and my lute unstrung;
Else it were better we should part, and go,
Thou to some lips of sweeter melody,
And I to nurse the barren memory
Of unkissed kisses, and songs never sung.