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Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Tems
    a sieve

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Cf. Dut. tems.

Usage in the news

Brown wins contest for mayor pro tem .

Lovejoy has no mayor pro tem .

Mayor Pro-Tem nabbed for DWI.


"Mayor pro tem discusses employee benefits".

Cassville alderman Mark Pry submitted his resignation as mayor pro tem during Monday night's city council meeting.

"As mayor pro tem , I am to perform certain duties in the absence of the elected mayor," said Pry.

WP Mayor wants new mayor pro-tem .

John Schroder says he "never lied" to House speaker about pro-tem vote.

Joel Robideaux of Lafayette won the nomination for speaker pro tem .

The pro tem often presides over House debates when the speaker is absent.

Margaret Klockars named hearing examiner pro tem Bainbridge News Briefs.

Klockars stays on as pro tem .

The City Council on Wednesday approved the appointment of Margaret Klockars as hearing examiner pro tem .

State Senate Democrats still have a few weeks before they nominate a candidate to replace outgoing Senate President Pro-tem Tim Jennings.

Usage in scientific papers

Futhermore, for a system of identical bosons, one is naturally led to think of this many-body system in tems of a lattice Bose Hubbard model (BHM), which is known to display a superfluid ground state at low temperature 44 .
Supersolid phases of cold atom assemblies

We show that it is not appropriate to use a simple scaling law to describe the conductivity dependence on the density both for finite and dense sys tems.
From percolating to dense random stick networks: Conductivity model investigation

For diffracting beams in a TEM, however, the picture is rather different, and the Larmor and Gouy effects are spatially separated and practically uncoupled of each other (Fig. 2).
Observation of the Larmor and Gouy Rotations with Electron Vortex Beams

The simultaneous Gouy and Larmor rotation predicted in for a uniform magnetic field is more difficult to achieve because of the extremely small Larmor effect over the accessible distances in TEM.
Observation of the Larmor and Gouy Rotations with Electron Vortex Beams

Thus we have a logarithmic correction to the Bekenstein entropy and correction to the Hawking tem−3 .
Thermodynamics of the inhomogeneous LTB model: Generalized Bekenstein-Hawking System

Usage in literature

Why I'm so happy when I set here and con-tem'-plate you, I want to cackle like a pullet announcin' her first egg. "The Harvester" by Gene Stratton Porter

The Speaker pro tem called him to order. "Theodore Roosevelt" by Theodore Roosevelt

The eyes were surprised at this observation because as he, the person who owned them pro tem. "Ulysses" by James Joyce

Rien n'est si difficile que de retracer aujourd'hui ces fortes d'accidens a cause des changemens que le tems y a operes. "Theory of the Earth, Volume 1 (of 4)" by James Hutton

Les eaux partant de fort haut, auront le tems de s'y rassembler et de devenir destructives vers le bas. "Theory of the Earth, Volume 2 (of 4)" by James Hutton

Thou lookest upon Ra when he setteth in the form of Tem at eventide. "The Literature of the Ancient Egyptians" by E. A. Wallis Budge

A Mr. Temming was living there, as a renter. "Added Upon" by Nephi Anderson

Histoires ou Contes du Tems Passe, 219. "Forgotten Books of the American Nursery" by Rosalie V. Halsey

In the absence of the chairman of the board, Mr. J. M. Underwood, Clarence Wedge was elected chairman pro tem. "Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916" by Various

Ancian tems, nous dison li reire, Un jour d'iver; la fam te prengue. "Social Life in the Insect World" by J. H. Fabre