(O. Eng. Law) A kind of customary payment by a tenant; -- a word used in old records.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Cf. Tack (n.), 4
Now the answer you'll need for your Amazing Turkey Trot "Tic Tac Toe" board is. dez.com
Alaska and United airlines will see a new competitor on the Sea-Tac-Anchorage route beginning next spring. blog.thenewstribune.com
First ANA 787 Dreamliner to arrive at Sea-Tac International Airport, October 1, 2012. king5.com
Tic Tacs is not a major purchase. nytimes.com
I have my favorites (Pittsburgh, Sea-Tac, etc. nj.com
LET and TAC Trick Consultant. consultantlive.com
Barnes will introduce the TAC-XPD line of ammunition in 2013 that the company is branding. policemag.com
Tic-Tac-Toe made by Neave Games. 963jackfm.com
TAC Air Ramps Up Field Support. airportbusiness.com
Louis has moved into a new facility in Tac Air's Chesterfield complex in Hangar 2. ainonline.com
Developed the largest in its line of modular rifle chassis system with the introduction of the second generation MT-50A1 MOD-1 for the McMillan 50BMG action and TAC-50 rifle in.50 BMG caliber. officer.com
Members of military now allowed to keep shoes, jackets on at Sea-Tac screenings. dailyamerican.com
The Tac Dry Rain Shell is the newest addition to the 5.11 Tactical MultiCam line. officer.com
The Vac-Tac adhesive system from Power Adhesives, Charlotte, N.C. ptonline.com
TSA PreCheck coming to Sea- Tac 's north checkpoint. kplu.org
Since the TACs are independent, it is inevitable that conflicts would arise in the accepted programs.
Ten Year Review of Queue Scheduling of the Hobby-Eberly Telescope
There is no “HET super-TAC” that creates a unified observing program, but we have developed mechanisms for resolving these conflicts.
Ten Year Review of Queue Scheduling of the Hobby-Eberly Telescope
Target conflicts between the various TACs or PIs have been very rare; since 1999, there have been requesting conflicts with two gamma-ray bursts, four supernovae and two extra-solar planets.
Ten Year Review of Queue Scheduling of the Hobby-Eberly Telescope
To create this page it was necessary to access the night reports (where the log of observed spectra were kept), the electronic Phase II (where the log of the completed observations were kept), and a file containing the TAC allocations for each program.
Ten Year Review of Queue Scheduling of the Hobby-Eberly Telescope
Most of the time, the RA would be forced to choose from a very wide range of targets, all with the same TAC priority.
Ten Year Review of Queue Scheduling of the Hobby-Eberly Telescope
A week later Cy rigged a tic-tac to a window of the living-room, and the tattoo out of the darkness frightened Carol into screaming. "Main Street" by
The mitrailleuses were adding their tac-tac to the cracks of the fusileers. "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" by
VI, p. 885, n. 1744a; Tac. "A Study Of The Topography And Municipal History Of Praeneste" by
Amidst all this void came a low tic-tac from the swaying pendulum. "Abbe Mouret's Transgression La Faute De L'abbe Mouret" by
Into the saucer instead of oil or butter he poured a little water; and when the water began to smoke, tac! "Pinocchio" by
And as he walked along with hurried steps his heart beat fast, tic, tac, tic, tac, like a drawing-room clock when it is really going well. "Childhood's Favorites and Fairy Stories" by
Was a sweet Chinee, And she lived in the town of Tac. "The Book of Humorous Verse" by
They were going to eat lobsters and drink bottled beer and play skittles at Le Tac. "Vixen, Volume III." by
Then, suddenly, the ominous tic-tac ceased, while overhead came the pop-pop-pop of the seaplane's automatic gun. "Wilmshurst of the Frontier Force" by
You can see the trench and the head of the bloke what's working that tac-tac of theirs. "With Haig on the Somme" by
Contiguous, far, a cottage stood;
The fields th' approach of summer told;
While noisy echo on the hill,
Responded to the roaring flood,
And frequent tic-tac of the mill.
The water washing at the latchel door;
A slow step plashing by upon the moor;
A single bleat far from the famished fold;
The clicking of an embered hearth and cold;
The rainy Robin tic-tac at the pane.