A shelter to protect from snow, esp. a long roof over an exposed part of a railroad.
On a railroad, a construction covering the track to prevent accumulations of snow on the line, or to carry snow-slides or avalanches over the track in mountainous regions.
Originally, WSDOT was going to accomplish this objective by replacing the existing snowshed with a new, larger snowshed WSDOT is now considering replacing the existing snowshed with two avalanche bridges instead.
The state Department of Transportation is considering putting the brakes on plans for replacement of a snowshed on its Interstate 90 Snoqualmie Pass East Project.
Miles of snowsheds necessitated keeping the artificial light burning even at midday. "The Rules of the Game" by
It's even drifting in the snowsheds. "The White Desert" by
Glover rebuilt the whole system of snowsheds on the West End, practically everything from the Peace to the Sierras. "The Daughter of a Magnate" by
The snowsheds are a permanent institution on the Intercolonial Railway. "Faces and Places" by
There are thirty immense snowsheds on this section of the railroad. "The Columbia River" by