Slashing with a sword.
Slashing with a sword.
Beat swords into ploughshares - If people beat swords into ploughshares, they spend money on humanitarian purposes rather than weapons. (The American English spelling is 'plowshares')
Cross swords - When people cross swords, they argue or dispute. This expression is used when some groups accuse each other for non-adherence to norms. Actually no sword is used but the tempo of the argument is high enough to cause worsening of the already bad situation. It is a tussle (vehement struggle without use of arms) between the parties to establish supremacy.
Double-edged sword - If someone uses an argument that could both help them and harm them, then they are using a double-edged sword sword; it cuts both ways.
Fall on your sword - If someone falls on their sword, they resign or accept the consequences of some wrongdoing.
Pen is mightier than the sword - The idiom 'the pen is mightier than the sword' means that words and communication are more powerful than wars and fighting.
Put to the sword - If someone is put to the sword, he or she is killed or executed.
Grand Couturier is seeking his third straight win in the Sword Dancer. bloodhorse.com
Grand Couturier wins Sword Dancer. bloodhorse.com
The $500,000 Sword Dancer Invitational (gr IT) {VIDEO} was setting up perfectly for heavy favorite English Channel. bloodhorse.com
In myth there was a sword so sharp that a man decapitated by it did not know until he tried to nod. nytimes.com
Nashville police have arrested a man who allegedly killed his brother with a sword, nearly severing his head. nashvillescene.com
Who was the sword-wielding woman. hollywoodreporter.com
Turnovers a double-edged sword for Bucks. jsonline.com
Turnovers a double-edged sword for Buck. jsonline.com
Pension De-Risking is Double-Edged Sword for PBGC (Business Insurance). treasuryandrisk.com
Brown University sues Newport News over sword. ashingtonpost.com
It would seem the birth control pill is a double-edged sword. hidbeynewstimes.com
Kickstarter is a double-edged sword. forbes.com
CONSTANTINE'S SWORD The Church and the Jews: A History. nytimes.com
There have also been a few swords. denverpost.com
INTERVIEWS The Sword Slice Into Washington, DC. spin.com
Statistical techniques are the double-edged sword of high-energy astrophysics.
A Search for Gamma-Ray Bursts and Pulsars, and the Application of Kalman Filters to Gamma-Ray Reconstruction
The photometric analysis of large galaxies is a double edged sword.
ARCHANGEL Galaxy Photometry System
Further the tamils had the practice; if the child was born dead (aborted embryo) or dies after birth they had the custom of cutting it by a sword and burying it.
Mathematical Analysis of the Problems faced by the People With Disabilities (PWDs)
This was only to show they had the custom of cutting it by a sword and burying it.
Mathematical Analysis of the Problems faced by the People With Disabilities (PWDs)
Calculability at low energies is a double-edged sword.
Quantum Gravity and Precision Tests
He sprang up instantly, and, furious, drew his sword. "The Black Wolf's Breed" by
The swords are of steel, and those I have seen are short. "The Peace Egg and Other tales" by
To Sword-Worlders, any excuse for a holiday was better than none. "Space Viking" by
No one shall blame my sword for felling so cowardly a foe, for he deserves not to fall by a brave man's sword. "Northland Heroes" by
By the way, boy, you'll want some clothes and a sword. "Gil the Gunner" by
It was at this moment that he saw two well-dressed men waving swords above their heads, and, white now with rage, Andrew turned to him. "In Honour's Cause" by
Why, his sword would be all rusty if it wasn't for me. "Marcus: the Young Centurion" by
Thorer's offensive armour consisted of a short straight sword, a javelin and a bow, with a quiver of arrows. "Erling the Bold" by
The three returned to the great stone, and Arthur put back the sword. "King Arthur and His Knights" by
The sword was the Sword of Sharpness. "Prince Ricardo of Pantouflia being the adventures of Prince Prigio's son" by
Sic fun ye never saw;
For Hielan swords gied clash for clash,
At the battle o' Harlaw.
A song of pride!
The youth went down to a hero's grave,
With the sword, his bride.
From the sword and flame,
Thou, even thou, shalt save
Souls of king and slave
Only by thy Name.
That thing maun never be;
Tak ye your good sword in your hand,
An come your wa's wi me.'
For a word's sake
Or a sword's sake,
All's the same, whate'er the chance, you know.
On fleeting ghosts of yore
Fire or sword will not bring back
What’s lost forevermore.