swats (Scot.) new ale: thin sowens.
Michelle Fonken, 20, and Travis Lindahl, 30, were jailed Saturday, Nov 10, 2012, on suspicion of assault and terroristic threats after allegedly attacking SWAT team members sent to their Coon Rapids apartment. twincities.com
Watt a few mighty swats of the football for Houston Texans fans to fall in love with him. elpasotimes.com
LONGMONT — The Longmont SWAT team surrounded a home Thursday morning, fearing that its occupant was armed and had booby -trapped the residence. denverpost.com
The Longmont SWAT team surrounded a home Thursday morning, fearing that its occupant was armed and had booby -trapped the residence. dailycamera.com
Suspect in SWAT standoff in custody, identified by law enforcement. kjct8.com
SWAT standoff lasts hours, suspect in custody. kjct8.com
GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. A home invasion ends in a SWAT standoff. kjct8.com
SWATting, a Deadly Political Game. laweekly.com
Dec 12, 2012: SWAT team members form up near a command post south of the Cal State Fullerton campus in Fullerton, Calif AP. foxnews.com
Saima Anwar lives in the Swat area of northern Pakistan. pbs.org
Eruption in 'violent relationship' prompts North Side SWAT standoff. post-gazette.com
SWAT officers enter home when negotiations fail. yff4.com
SWAT looking for felony suspect. columbian.com
Police officers called out the SWAT team and converged on 2401 Nottingham Way at 9 pm Monday in search of weapons, an Albany Police Department report stated. albanyherald.com
Alabama hacker accused of sending SWAT team to Texas house. chron.com
Some effects play a role in the scheme including the centrifugal enhancement of the gas density inside the rotor and the swatting of the slow molecules by the rotor itself. A prototype was tested in [120] for both supersonic and effusive beams of O2 , CH3F and SF6 molecules.
Formation and interactions of cold and ultracold molecules: new challenges for interdisciplinary physics
Applying the spherical wavelet transform using a code called SWAT (Spherical Wavelet Analysis Tool) to the distribution of arrival directions of UHECRs, if the correlation coefficient is high, this indicates a similarity between the pattern (wavelet) used and the signal.
Identifying Patterns on Cosmic Ray Maps with Wavelets on the Sphere
It's like trying to swat a fly to come down on you at the right minute. "The Best Short Stories of 1917" by
I'm a long way behind and shall have to swat like anything to get myself up to even ordinary standard. "The Princess of the School" by
Don't you ever get headaches with all this over-swatting? "The Youngest Girl in the Fifth" by
Use yer knives, or else swat her over the head with yer clubbed guns. "The Saddle Boys in the Grand Canyon" by
A Narrative of Events in Chitral, Swat, and Bajour. "In the Forbidden Land" by
If ye blab a word to anyone, ye'll git me in trouble, an' I'll crush ye as willin' as I'd swat a fly. "Mary Louise in the Country" by
Take up your big spiked bludgeon, and swat him galley-west! "Rippling Rhymes" by
Try to swat a loaded hot-water bottle. "The U-boat hunters" by
What, what, what, What's the news from Swat? "The Book of Humorous Verse" by
You'll be falling swat in the road like a wet sack. "A Son of Hagar" by
Or do they, whenever they can, rebel,
or PLOT,
At the Akond of Swat?
Pictures, or any one's last new poem,
or WHAT,
For the Akond of Swat?
Like the lady who lived in that isle remote,
The Akond of Swat?
Do they bring him only a few small cakes,
or a LOT,
For the Akond of Swat?
When she let the gooseberries grow too ripe,
or ROT,
The Akond of Swat?
And tie it neat in a bow with ends,
or a KNOT.
The Akond of Swat?