Arrived at full stature.
Of the height or stature of. -
Of or arrived at full stature. -
Conditioned; circumstanced.
having a certain specified stature
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. statura.
Owens surpasses Clemons' mark, but not his stature in Toronto.
Chief Justice elevates stature of the court.
Andrew Luck of the Colts has a larger stature than most quarterbacks.
Over the years it has grown in size and stature.
Andrew Luck of the Colts has a larger stature than most quarterbacks.
While Stephen Adly Guirgis is a distinctive playwright and his new comedic drama has some merit, Rock's role is pretty small for a star comedian of his stature.
A resident reported to authorities today having spotted on Sunday "a large, tan, feline-type animal similar in stature to a cougar" walking west in Old Elm Park in the Highlands area near Half Day Road, according to a city press release.
Despite their mini stature, hummingbirds are among the world's largest hovering animals.
The Chattanooga native and University of the South (Sewanee) graduate told the audience that America can produce another individual to equal Jefferson 's stature and genius.
In the debate Mitt Romney suddenly assumed the stature of a president while America hasn't found its way under Obama's failing leadership. bloggers Chris Low and Edward Aschoff discuss the SEC's chances of getting into the BCS Championship Bowl, Johnny Manziel's Heisman stature and the underwhelming matchups in Week 12 around the league.
And the Gaza Territory Also the the Palestinians status as stature of Palestinian President funding to the Palestinian Authority.
Zeng Fanzhi may be one of the world's most feted and valuable living artists, but the Beijing-based painter says he has little time for the publicity such stature brings.
When he goes off on a tear, with his modest stature and booming rhetoric, he's not unlike the id in all of us.
Man of stature —both in and out of uniform.
Results from experiments like SNO have the potential to influence all of physics, and thus to contribute to the stature of our field.
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Needless to say, it is perfectly ok to conjecture that a restricted result extends also to a case when these restrictions are waived, but the stature of such a statement (as a conjecture) should be clear.
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A man of large stature and great activity of mind and body found himself standing alone on a prairie. "Folk-Lore and Legends: North American Indian" by
Their stature was low, like that of the wife of the Esquimaux at the tent who was not five feet in height. "The Substance of a Journal During a Residence at the Red River Colony, British North America" by
Lewis was slender, and of low stature. "The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volumes I-VI." by
They were of middling stature, slender, and naked. "The History of Tasmania , Volume II (of 2)" by
The women of the superior rank were above our middle stature, but those of the inferior class rather below it. "The Cannibal Islands" by
Grace was rather beneath the ordinary stature, and her figure was slender and graceful. "Grace Darling" by
He adds the cubits to his stature just as the old man does. "Natural Law in the Spiritual World" by
The people in it were of low stature, but of compact form, and had their faces painted. "Notable Voyagers" by
As already stated, there are several varieties, produced by a difference in stature, colour, and swiftness. "Quadrupeds, What They Are and Where Found" by
He had grown in stature, but the gauntness of his face made his coarse features stand out so, that he was almost repulsive. "Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, Volume 7" by
Of the blithe child's merry grace,
Still of spirit—small of stature—
Manhood's thought on childhood's face.
A crumme of dust from heav'n to hell?
Will great God measure with a wretch?
Shall he thy stature spell?
Of palsy doing task of thanks for bread;
Upon the stature of a God,
He whom the Gods have struck bends low his head.
As a great Clerk, and reach the highest stature.
Thus dost thou make proud knowledge bend and crouch,
While grace fills up uneven nature.
Fit for realms to rise upon,
Little honour do they reap
Of their generation,
Any more than mountains gain
Stature till we reach the plain.
In her deep prison, and, from year to year,
He grew to his own stature, fierce and wild,
And what she took for love she kept for fear.