stam (prov.) to confound -
Stam's Top 10 Homemaker Hints.
Models Lily Donaldson (above) and Jessica Stam and producer Mark Ronson have been added as judges for Wednesday's inaugural Love Hangover Ball at W Union Square.
Carole Lynn Stam , 67, of the town of Wausau, passed away on Wednesday, September 19, 2012, at Aspirus Wausau Hospital.
Bassist T Martin Stam shares old timey music with youthful energy.
Model Jessica Stam has put Kanye West dating rumors to bed by cozying up with a new man at a party.
Stam 's Top 10 Homemaker Hints.
Katie Stam teaches us the proper way to win an eating contest, how to burp, and why those Trump pageants aren't really, well, pageants.
House Majority Leader Paul Stam's bill to support private schools with public funds — a.k.a.
Stam gets another challenger for House spot.
Newcomer takes on N.C. House District 36 incumbent Paul "Skip" Stam mingles with attendees of Tuesday's candidate forum in Apex.
The Couturier of Paint , the Great Vladimir Kagan, and Jessica Stam's Living Room.
Dale Folwell, of Winston-Salem, and Paul "Skip" Stam, of Apex, both members of the Republican leadership team in the House, held a news conference today to build support for a proposed marriage amendment to the state constitution.
The Couturier of Paint, the Great Vladimir Kagan, and Jessica Stam's Living Room.
Plus, Jessica Stam covers Harper's Bazaar Spain.
In the one-dimensional case d = p = 1, with the noise variables (Zk )k∈Z being nonnegative, and independent of N , we recover the results of Stam (1973) and Fay et al.
Tail probabilities for infinite series of regularly varying random vectors
This case was treated in Stam (1973) and in Fay et al. (2006); see Section 6. A sufficient condition for (2.5) is the von Mises type condition limn→∞ n Pr[N = n]/ Pr[N > n] = α (Anderson, 1980).
Tails of random sums of a heavy-tailed number of light-tailed terms
For example Shannon stated Theorem 1.1, known as the Entropy Power Inequality (EPI), which was later rigorously proved by Stam and by Blachman using an argument based on the heat equation.
Monotonicity, thinning and discrete versions of the Entropy Power Inequality
Marc Fischlin, Anja Lehmann, Thomas Ristenpart, Thomas Shrimpton, Martijn Stam, and Stefano Tessaro.
Random Oracles in a Quantum World
Stam, Limit theorems for uniform distributions on spheres in high-dimensional Euclidean spaces, J.
On the distribution of angles between the N shortest vectors in a random lattice
Faemin flos, infimus, unum tantum vidi sepala longiora herbacea, stam. "Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and TheNeighbouring Countries" by
Stam took the ramrod out and began to draw the load, but, before he could succeed, the alligator became aggressive. "Golden Days for Boys and Girls, Vol. XII, Jan. 3, 1891" by
After the fire, Rooney removed with his family to the house of a Chinese labourer named Chok-foo, whose brother, Ram-stam, dwelt with him. "Under the Waves" by
Can't yo' tell a body whut yo' want wi'out stam'rin' 'n' stutt'rin' 'n' takin' all th' day? "A Maid of the Kentucky Hills" by
Al thissa plega wrde den vmbe tha asvndergana twyga fon Fryas stam wither et semene to snorane. "The Oera Linda Book" by