Ring the changes
rɪŋ ðə ˈʧeɪnʤɪz-
Ring the changes
to go through the various changes in ringing a peal of bells: to go over in every possible order: to pass counterfeit money: to bemuddle a shopman into giving too much change
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr. changer—Late L. cambiāre—L. cambīre, to barter.
In that old battle of the wills between young people and their keepers, the young have found a new weapon that could change the balance of power on the cellphone front: a ring tone that many adults cannot hear. nytimes.com
The Cassini space probe has, for the first time in two years, been able to get a good view of Saturn's famous rings owing to a recent change in the spacecraft's angle of orbit. nzherald.co.nz
The September master plan proposed major changes in the road circulation around the downtown transit center, including a new two-way Transit Ring Road that would replace the existing University Avenue loop road. paloaltoonline.com
Team takes to the ring to change up training regimen. blog.mlive.com
In front of retail centers and restaurants, they (the vast majority are volunteers) unceasingly ring a bell enticing passersby to part with some change or to drop a dollar or two into their iconic red kettles. tylerpaper.com
A pleasant change of pace from the traditional ringing bells QFC at Riverstone. eric.florip@columbian.com
Students in Lycoming County have been returning to school from last Thursday through today, with a mixture of change and transition accompanying the traditional ringing of school bells. sungazette.com
In front of retail centers and restaurants, they (the vast majority are volunteers) unceasingly ring a bell enticing passersby to part with some change or to drop a dollar or two into their iconic red kettles . tylerpaper.com
Oz's Business Continuity Blog: 'Ring the changes'. drj.com
Now the door opens with a cattail of jingles, the vintage cash register rings up its penny change, and inside, the coughs and sneezes, the addicts slumped in their niches trying to hoodwink the pharmacist by tapping their counterfeit canes. theatlantic.com
Your May 15 Op-Ed letter on the Pontesbury bells was presented so as to suggest that change ringing was another quaint, unexportable, uniquely English custom. nytimes.com
Every year you see the Salvation Army on every corner, ringing bells and collecting change. mix929.com
The first person to notice changes in Saturn 's rings never realized they were rings. nj.com
We need to prove that for any morphism of simplicial commutative rings A → A′ , the ob ject E ⊗L A A′ ∈ T ⊗ct A A′ , obtained by base change, is a compact generator.
Derived Azumaya algebras and generators for twisted derived categories
However, this method is not applicable to explore quantum interference effects in molecular-size devices, since magnetic field required to change the flux through the ring (e.g., from zero to h/e) far exceeds those available experimentally.
Quantum-interference-controlled three-terminal molecular transistors based on a single ring-shaped-molecule connected to graphene nanoribbon electrodes
It has been recently demonstrated that the latter can be achieved in a storage ring composed of two half rings, separated by small gaps; packets of ammonia molecules were kept together by changing the electric fields synchronous with the molecules’ passage through the gaps .
Multiple packets of neutral molecules revolving for over a mile
We note that adding effective exceptional Q-divisors does not change the log canonical ring.
Global generation of the direct images of relative pluricanonical systems
This assumption holds well because the timescale for the ring properties to change is much longer.
Three Dimensional MHD Simulation of Circumbinary Accretion Disks: Disk Structures and Angular Momentum Transport
Pretty soon a man rings the bell an' says, 'Where's the lady's change? "Lights and Shadows of New York Life" by
The form and material of "the mystic ring of marriage" change but little, and innovations on the plain gold band are rarely successful. "The Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing" by
If we examine the inner side of the ring, the change the cells undergo is more marked. "Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany" by
That is 'twisting,' or ringing the changes. "Six Years in the Prisons of England" by
When Bob Bangs saw the key ring his face changed color. "Randy of the River" by
Gladdher Ring the changes (cheat in change). "The Gypsies" by
When the sister looked at her ring she saw that it had changed its color to blue. "Italian Popular Tales" by
As the perch leaped he changed himself into a ruby ring and fell into the basket. "Tales of Folk and Fairies" by
The guests change places at each course, the signal for this being given by the hostess ringing a bell. "The Complete Bachelor" by
Goodness knows I am not so fond of him as to want to ring the changes on his name! "Her Mother's Secret" by
The thieving years could bring,
The jewel, glittering to the last,
Still sparkles in a ring.
When we sat at the wine,
How we changed the rings frae our fingers?
And I can show thee thine.
The ring you gave is still the same,
Your letter tells, O changing child,
No tidings since it came.
And merry bells their changes ring ;
But who is he in trim so gay,
Whose looks are glad as jocund Spring ?
My yielding heart to win,
Though mine was of the beaten gold
Yours but of burnished tin,
Though mine was all true love without,
Yours but false love within?
Their voices, now moaning, now whisp'ring, I hear;
Their looks are unsettl'd, their gestures confound me,
Their figures that change in the mist are not clear.